Furries hit Pittsburgh

OK, quick question. How do you feel about the infamous CSI episode which introduced most of unaware America to furries?

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I’ve heard that it portrays furries in a very unflattering and deceptive way, but I’ve never actually seen it, so I couldn’t tell you.


Is the Phanatic a disgusied Fendahleen?


Anthrocon is on my bucketlist. I would love to meet with some Americans I know from the scene there. But first I have to hit Eurofurence in Berlin.


I’m about an hour and a half east of Pittsburgh, and it’s currently 95 degrees with about 214% humidity. You couldn’t pay me to get into a fur suit. In fact the only reason I’m dressed at all in this heat is that they’d stop paying me if I wasn’t.


One small correction: only one Pittsburgh restaurant consistently offers dog bowl meals, Furnando’s, in the form of embossed souvenir plastic bowls for a small upcharge. There’s a poignant story behind their devotion to the fandom.


Whose bright idea was it to schedule a fursuit-themed gathering for JULY?


It’s been a long, long time since I saw it, but I remember thinking that it wasn’t nearly as bad as people were saying it was. Then again, I’m not a fursuiter, so…

On the heat thing, according to an online friend, the suit’s hella hot no matter what weather, so serious fursuiters tend to wear cooling vests, have little fans inside the suit head, and so on. And of course, drinking a lot of water and taking the head off every now and then to cool down.


Disclosure: Been active in the fandom for about 23 years.

It could have been much worse when you look at the original script. The volunteer furs actually did help this be less of a road accident.

I fielded a call from the production company at the time they were looking for furs and I sent them to the socal furs mailing list. I had never watched the show at the time I didn’t know what it was.

I did watch that episode with a bunch of furs and we laughed our asses off at the time. There was so much wrong in it.

Don’t you mean FUR research purposes?



Neat story, didn’t know about this :smiley:

Another thing worth mentioning is that furry community is probably the most radically tolerant in general, and also very LGBTQ-friendly.


The first furry conventions were started by two bi-sexual men that were very against gatekeeping that really caused problems early on with some fans.


Happily, most furries are quite happy not wearing fursuits, and the ones that do spend it in well-airconditioned spaces 99% of the time. I don’t envy those brave sweaty souls who venture outside to parade down the street in 90 degree weather.


In fact, some of the biggest problems furry community has had have stemmed from that radical tolerance; at times, it’s been extended to people who really should have been booted out, shunned, and in some cases reported to authorities.


Thank you for spending the time to give me your take on it. I will be honest, I never heard of the community before that show.

On a similar note.


That is the case and moreso now we have had white supremacists grooming young furs. I never thought I would see the day we would have a nazi problem.


Just visualizing it seems absurd to me. But still my impression of the community has always been fairly positive, i could see myself dabbling in the scene. Some day i might, a while back i was trying to work out a sketch for a character/outfit and it proved a bit too complicated but still would love to figure it out (was a steampunkish aristocrat outfit that was a mix of plague doctor mixed with a crow theme.


Some of this shit was covered by Newsweek.

They did managed to troll Califur out of a hotel and there is a good chance it may be over. I have a bunch of friends on staff there and that is a lot of anger.

It’s really hard when a very intolerant ideology seeping in the corners of you subculture. But then it’s a symptom of a much larger problem we are all watching with stunned horror.


I was surprised that FurAffinity recently took action against it, banning both nazi sympathizers and alt-right. There weren’t many of them, but it’s a good riddance :slight_smile:

Sounds awesome :slight_smile: Post photos if you decide to finish it.