Gamer star PewDiePie canned by Disney and YouTube after anti-semitic postings



I believe that’s just the internet in general these days.

I seriously think the gradual removal of anonymity has only made this worse. Those with more to lose standing up to power stay silent, and those with all the privilege are turning up the volume on their echo chamber unopposed.


Just for clarity’s sake, and to hold off that proverbial shitstorm, Disney wasn’t involved with PewDiePie until they bought Maker Studio in 2014. His “Raping Time” song was from 2012 and that episode was removed after people complained.

So it’s in no way fair or logical to say that Disney has no problem with that song.


Dear God, did he really say that in his “apology”?

GamerGaters like to make fun of the John Oliver “come on, it’s [current year]” rhetorical device. They make fun of the notion that it’s time to stop acting like idiots because years have passed since their behavior was acceptable.

Admittedly i don’t know much about him, but I didn’t think he was a GamerGater. Sad!

Yeah, okay, dude.


Totally idiotic move- but from what I’ve heard about him before, totally not out of character.
The strange thing is that there are enough people who are willing to watch this that the ad revenue has paid off for him until now.

So, in other words…


Spare a thought for poor 4chan. For years they have despised him, loudly and angrily denouncing his mainstream entertainment-lite shtick and and chipper banality. But now they will be forced to embrace him for his slimy antisemitism.


This was his full “apology” for context:
“what I just think — and I believe strongly in — is that it is 2017 now. We’re going to have to start separating what is a joke, and what is actually problematic. Is a joke actually pure racism? Is something that would be considered a joke purely homophobic, or anti-semitic and all these things? Context fucking matters. Though this was not my intention, I understand that these jokes were ultimately offensive. As laughable as it is to believe that I might actually endorse these people, to anyone unsure on my standpoint regarding hate-based groups: No, I don’t support these people in any way.”


Actually, this is about ethics in Holocaust journalism.


Or could it be that he thought he was so ‘big’, so secure as to be signed to Disney, that he could get away with it? And haven’t there been rumours for years that Walt Disney himself was racist and/or anti-semitic, so that Felix thought by un-masking himself as a garbage human, he was safe and in ‘good’ company?


Since driving trollies is about causing others grief, it’s best to judge it by its effect rather than intent. If your racist driving trollies affects your targets the same way sincere racism does, you’ve got no right to claim your hidden intent wasn’t racism. And when the art of driving trollies relies very heavily on deception, so how can anyone tell your claim of non-racist intent isn’t just another shell of lies?


Defending hateful actions as driving trollies is like defending stealing as “just driving trollies”, the thief expect that doing something for giggles somehow justifies an action as not real.
driving trollies (at least in modern usage) is all about putting on a performance for one’s personal benefit. so there´s really no difference at all.


I like the theory perpetuated by Jason Louv that PewDiePie is an entertainnment AI that accidentally started training off of alt-right YouTube comments-- like the Microsoft Twitter AI Tay, that was weaponized by the alt-right to harrass Zoe Quinn, a bizzare twist in gamergate
How did nazis get so good at this? Engage counter memetics!


Man, I wish I’d remember that to quote it.


There’s been a lot of criticism of racist trolls on Twitter or fake news on Facebook, but YouTube really gets off with little criticism. I mean everyone knows their comments are straight from the pit of hell, but the far right has really leveraged the power of video blogging to get their message out, and make good money doing it too. Further to that, YouTube’s recommendation system really benefits these guys, cause if you watch video game lets plays at all, suddenly you’re getting suggestions to watch a 3 hour long fascist rant next. This is in part the legacy of gamergate, where people who built a following off streaming play throughs, have transitioned into various flavours of neo-fascist, but YouTube should really not be automatically recommending far right politics to anyone who might enjoy video games, especially since the “gaming community” turned out to be a very fertile recruiting ground for nazis.


“Anomalous output” is to content providers what “alternate facts” are to current US regime.

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i never understood his appeal, and it made me angry and confused at how much money he was making doing his “channel” – so i’m finding no small bit of happiness that he’s falling so far so quickly. not only was he blatantly race-baiting, he was also actively exploiting people who didn’t speak english for his own amusement and gain. the “it’s 2017” argument, really? surprise surprise, that shit don’t fly in 2017, either.


“You should say sorry to your sister.”
“When we hurt someone by accident, we say sorry.”

I definitely had this conversation many times with a four-year-old, but I don’t think I’ve had it in the last few months, so maybe at 5 they’ve gotten the message.

Millions of grown-ass men haven’t figured this out yet.

(Also, probably 75% of the time, it wasn’t a fucking accident)


Well he has a point that with context one might no believe he was serious.

But what he fails to recognize, is even if people don’t think he’s serious, it can still be hurtful and offensive and not funny. This is one reason I practice mainly self depreciating humor.

Also - this happened:

So maybe he will start to get it now?

ETA - “I picked something that seemed absurd to me—That people on Fiverr would say anything for 5 dollars.” - yeah, you wouldn’t be the first person to do something offensive for a “social experiment”.


Yeah, definitely not the first time he has done something stupid, either.

Remember his song It’s Raping Time?


Funnily enough, I happened to be looking through the last posts from @shaddack before he was banned last year. He was essentially screeching “But, but, what about freedom of speech?” on behalf of another asshat who’d gone off the deep end and suffered the completely justified consequences.

P.S. I know your post was ironic :slight_smile: