Gamer star PewDiePie canned by Disney and YouTube after anti-semitic postings

I just threw up in my mouth a little reading that. Not gonna lie.


If they were 15 or so, not funny but they would grow out of "shock’ humour;

He’s 27.


Isn’t his audience 15?

Wouldn’t know, but he should know better. Also he’s getting the stick, not those watching,

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Should they be?

More like 12, I think.

Even amongst gamer communities, PewDiePie is considered an irritating juvenile idiot.


I was never a fan either – his shtick just never appealed to me and I never found his content to be particularly entertaining but lots of people seem to like him for some reason – you don’t get 53 million subscribers for nothing. With all the money he was making and deals he was getting, all he had to do was… well, something the exact opposite of this.


I wonder how long it’ll be before we start getting an alt-Youtube platform promising zero censorship or oversight at all about what is posted, and this pewdepie fellow is one of its first stars?


It’s not like there aren’t other video sharing platforms.

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There are, but YouTube dominates.


Of course.

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I feel the exact same way. These attempts at humor strike me as juvenile shock humor or clumsily circuitous attempts at denouncing racism (“let’s all laugh at these bozos willing to hold up antisemitic signs!”) rather than demonstrating that he himself is racist or antisemitic. I cringe awfully hard at the legions of people failing to make the distinction, lumping the former into the latter, which seems to ultimately empower the far right.

PewDiePie is a moron. He’s always been a goddamn (charismatic) moron who careens from one stupid scandal to the next, then gives some half-ass non-apology about how it was only a joke and ‘moves on’. This is the first thing I’ve seen that might actually affect his bottom line.

I don’t even think he’s racist, just has the mind of an11 year old and thinks poop and rape and holocaust jokes are hilarious. And he’s too stupid to realize that joking about KILL ALL THE JEWS when real Neo-Nazis are emboldened and resurgent all over the world (and saying this for real) is a bad idea.

I’m not defending him, would love to see him crater over this - just voting for ‘stupid’ rather than ‘malicious’ when asking whyyyyyy would someone do this.


Adding to the coversation:

I know it’s for the luls, but fuck, get better material Felix.


BoingBoing introduced me to h3h3. Ethan seems like a good guy, so I trust him that Felix isn’t really a racist. But anyone who has corporate backers has to realize that you can’t do anything under the banner of humor and satire without the risk of losing that backing.


That seems to me to be an extremely weak foundation on which to base that conclusion.


There is really no reason to insult cable access like that.

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You’re right. I only trust him a little bit. And I should trust his character judgement of others even less. Especially when Ethan admits he has a vested interest in Felix’s video series not getting canceled.

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Here is PewDiePie’s hidden “Rape Time” animated video, kind of disturbing:

The other main one being the tax deductions.