Gamer star PewDiePie canned by Disney and YouTube after anti-semitic postings

romantic and very radical stupid, naive and destructive


This isn’t about me.

You made a claim about what the First Amendment says. You said that it “protects you from physical violence or proportional consequences”. I presented you with the full text of the First Amendment and asked you to point out which specific part of the text supported that claim. I notice that you have not done that yet.

I am still waiting.

Previously you declared that that law – the law that prohibits you from doing something like that – was the First Amendment. Is that not the case any longer?

N.B.: Claiming that someone said something that they actually said is not, legally, slander. And you agree that PDP said the things that he’s accused of saying. Therefore, your use of the term ‘slander’ in this case is legally invalid.


I understand the pain one can feel when people find something that hurts them funny. It must be terrible. But I dont see any solution for it. Except victim talking about it, expressing themselves, informing others.
But its unrealistic to expect that one can dictate what jokes people find funny. You can tell them you dont think it is funny, but that wont change their involuntary response on such jokes.
Humor is very complex social phenomenon. You cant just police and censor it.
If you want to spread the idea that dark humor is bad you have to be very careful how you package that idea so people, who think dark humor is ok, will accept your idea. There is whole science about moving ideas. Here is one video where Joe Rogan and Hunter Mass discus it.
First thing if you want to move idea is you have to establish trust. By accusing people being nazis so you can throw stones at them you wont achieve much, you only turn into same sort of monster you want to fight against.

What the fuck are you[quote=“lurker69, post:125, topic:95055”]
By accusing people being nazis so you can throw stones at them you wont achieve much,

Yes you will. You’ll get Nazis with broken faces. Sounds like a fucking result to me. :slight_smile:


None of us care.


Are you a Jew? Did you lose family in the Holocaust? If not, I’m not sure why we should care about your personal and heartfelt feelings about what constitutes anti-Semitism. My father-in-law lost almost all of the part of his family that hadn’t moved to America back in Belarus because the locals and the Nazis cooperated to murder them. His opinions? Those I’d care about. Hell, he signed up and fought in World War II (Pacific theater though).

Almost like he knows their minds…intimately.


For the love of God, it is “don’t.” I know I’m being a grammar…Nazi…but your paragraphs of screed with this constant misspelling make you look like a 9th grader on his first outing online.


We can only judge him by his actions. His actions indicate that he is antisemitic. And the number of new followers he gets is irrelevant if the people giving him money are gone. If he can find an alt-right venue that will give him millions of dollars to make his hate “jokes,” then maybe he can gain an even greater following with them and he can stop pretending that he isn’t what he is.


I don’t know PDP and haven’t ever watched him. But generally I’m inclined to give young people the benefit of the doubt. There are a lot more teenagers who are dumbasses or confused than there are sincerely irredeemable teenage bigots, I think. Most of us have probably said and done insensitive shit while testing boundaries. We’re not talking about a grown-ass man here.

This guy, being rich and famous at an early age, might be a lot harder to get through to than your average inchoate dopey kid, but I’m pretty sure there are better ways to explain to his fans why his actions are problematic than simply pointing and shrieking like a pod person.


You do, though I’m glad to hear that you’re self-aware of at least this much. Keep that process going. Reconciliation of one’s ideals with the social and cultural realities of this world is not inevitable with age.


He’s 27.

I don’t think that’s a fair characterisation of anything that has happened in this thread.


27 year olds are only borderline adults, and generally even less mature when exposed to early fame & fortune.

No, it’s an exaggeration, but it gets to the point that quibbling over whether he’s a real antisemite or just a garden variety dumb jerk is a distraction. We should be addressing his followers more than debating what label to apply to him.

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Except legally, of course. But okay. I only pointed out his age because you said you weren’t familiar with him and then talked about needing to make allowances for “dumbass” teenagers.

No, it really doesn’t. “pointing and shrieking like a pod person” doesn’t say anything even vaguely, remotely like that.

No one is stopping you from doing that.


That may be true. Empathy is in short supply with that set. But the only way to let them know that that sort of behaviour is hurtful and wrong is to tell them. If they stubbornly persist, then there’s a problem.

WSJ may have cherry-picked their evidence, but they used his actual actions, his repeated actions, to do it. He gave them the ammunition of his undoing. And the evidence was enough for the corporate masters to shy away. He should have known better. Now he does.

As far as his loss of revenue, easy come, easy go. I don’t think anyone can actually argue that the content he was creating was at all deserving of the money he was getting. It was a windfall, and I can’t really shed a tear for him losing it, regardless of the reasons.


At the risk of coming off as concerned, I think it’s important that criticism is framed in such a way that it can’t easily be dismissed as namecalling or PC witch hunting. Insisting on labeling him a fascist and antisemite — both of which he may well in fact be — plays right into that. Someone will well actually you about some technicality (“Jews aren’t the only Semites!”) and the conversation about why what he did was wrong gets derailed.

Using impoverished foreigners to purvey antisemitic abuse, a.k.a. “jokes,” is wrong regardless of one’s underlying motivations. Whether he’s a Nazi or just a jerk is immaterial.

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Like something “a pod person” does, you mean?


Exactly. Exactly as you’ve focused on that simile to the exclusion of everything else. See why it’s a bad idea?

I think it’s similar to the Ill Doctrine (Jay Smooth) video below. What is in his heart is less important then the effect his actions have on others. Or as the saying in intersectional feminist circles goes: “intent is not magic”. Even if a person only intends good or funny things, if the action they perform has bad consequences that could be easily foreseen, they are still deserving of criticism.


Is that why you did it? Or are you, like him, trying to justify your thoughtless action by trying to tie it to a more meaningful point instead of admitting that it was wrong in the first place, like he should? Because it doesn’t fly. You can’t be belligerent in the moment and then pretend that it had a deeper meaning. People see right through that sort of bullshit spin.


So… it’s going to be “do as I say but not as I do”, then?

There’s a surprising amount of that from “I’m not a PDP supporter, but you shouldn’t say anything I don’t like about him even if I agree that the things you said are technically true” folks in this thread, today.