Gamergate as a hate-group

But if we just ignored them … they’d just have to give up. Or something.

*rolling my eyes so hard they’ve retreated into the back of my head

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“it’s not about harassment”

Baldwin posts this within 30 mins of Sarkeesian cancelling her USU show due to threats.

Such an amazing lack of empathy and compassion.


Oh, for fucks sake-- don’t ruin Firefly for me.

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Not to mention Full Metal Jacket!


The idea of being “on the fence” seems to presuppose your binary decision making. If the same label can be applied to people with drastically opposed views on such things, then people have no business being prejudiced one way or another. Their problem is then with the act, not with the group. I strongly suspect that people only demand that sides be chosen for their convenience in packaging simplistic answers to simplistic problems. Real problems could never be solved by this sort of tribal identification process.

You seem to be assuming some ability on the part of people outside the group to know that opposition exists while arguing that the members of the group have no responsibility to demonstrate that opposition.

If you’re applying a label to yourself, you are by definition opting into a tribal identification process. It’s your responsibility, and that of no one else, to make sure you are identifying with the tribe you intend to. If it turns out that the tribe includes those you don’t want to be identified with, it’s your responsibility to change that - either by becoming part of a new tribe or by removing others from your tribe.

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If these people really want better gaming journalism, they should fight for that.

Especially when “journalism” these days is as easy as registering a domain name. Don’t like the way people are writing about games? Go write about them yourself.

This is a pretty concrete example of where a free market solution works. The fact that they have no interest in actually doing something about the situation they claim to be fighting kinda tells you that it isn’t actually a priority for them.


Oh, if only she’d followed through…


Now that there has been a literal terrorist threat, can we stop hand waving this shit away like it’s not a big deal or that it’s something to be ignored? Do you recognize the tone of that E-MAIL at all? Does it remind you have any recent manifestos?

Jesus fucking christ, this shit is CLEARLY out of control and ignoring it isn’t going to do anything, and yet people like you are vaguely implying that we’re giving “trolls” too much attention.

YES! It IS unreasonable for the general public to ignore this story! It’s far bigger than “gamer gate”.

A woman had to cancel a speech because she was sent a TERRORIST THREAT.

Let that sink in.

Remind yourself of the recent mass murderers, some of which had a very glaring hatred of women.

And let this fucking shit sink in.

Yes, it’s wrong that you and the “general public” don’t give a shit about women and their safety. Yes. It very much is wrong.

But I’ll wait for you and others like you wave this shit away with some other excuse. You’ll move your goal posts a few blocks north, I’m sure.


I am not assuming such an ability, merely stating that it is not worth being prejudiced in the first place. There is never any reason to assume that you know the relevant details about others.

Or by not participating in tribalism at all? Identification is nothing more than the act of stereotyping oneself. An attempt to commodify the living flux of relationships and ideas into something concrete, with the hopes that it will be easily transmissible and understood. I can scarcely imagine when doing so might be accurate. It seems probable to me that groups are more or less imaginary constructs which are actually comprised of numerous, dissimilar individuals. And that these people - even who claim membership in the same group - are fundamentally unknowable to each other.

[quote=“marilove, post:76, topic:42965”]A woman had to cancel a speech because she was sent a TERRORIST THREAT.

Well, no, she didn’t need to, that was her choice. I don’t see how the addition of the sensationalist word “terror” makes any different. Terrorism has never been worth taking seriously. Terror is an emotion, and accommodating it en masse is merely supporting people’s right to irrational behavior. Why not merely do a calm risk assessment, and happily choose what you intend to do?

I have had numerous death threats, personally. Threats against my family, attempted muggings, attempted framings, threatened with weapons such as pipes, guns, and knives. Had people determinedly try to run me down from their vehicles, gang up and drown me in a pond. And probably lots of things I have forgotten. I have never cried to police or others about these occurrences. Hell, many of the threats and attacks on me were done by police. Yet I have survived to my 40s with minimal worries. What all of this has taught me is that being afraid leads to making poor decisions compared to being calm. The best you can do is try your best, and the eventual end of your life is not worth worrying about. This way you can live whatever time you have with dignity.

Does this mean that it is just to pester and attack people? No, that is not what I am saying at all. But how you deal with such things makes a huge difference. Refusal to be intimidated might sound like bravado, but I have found that this stance really helps, and comes from a calm, happy place. Why the hell would anyone prefer to live in terror?

I don’t see how the addition of the sensationalist word “terror” makes any different. Terrorism has never been worth taking seriously. Terror is an emotion, and accommodating it en masse is merely supporting people’s right to irrational behavior.


Using threats of violence to silence women.



Yeah, see, she should totally grow a spine like popobawa4u did.


I hope the author of this threat rots in jail.


Ok, so how is your copy-and-paste job a reply to my text that you quoted?

Would you people actually leave your home and hide simply because somebody threatened you? Second guess yourself because some nut threatens you with death? Even just saying “there are plenty of feminists on campus who won’t be able to defend themselves” is a lame attempt at uninformed intimidation. How do you think this bozo “knows” that nobody can defend themselves? And why do you believe them? Sorry, but to me it reads as desperate and gutless. And I have no reason to take their threat at face value. If it was my speech, I would press on with it. At least people would have something better to think about than we get from this anonymous turkey.

You’re so manly. *swoon


It’s as if you live in a world where the deadliest mass murder events were not perpetrated by men with a record of similarly deranged attitudes towards women.


Really now? If this is some weird attempt at “concern driving trollies”, I think you´re doing it wrong. You should look into “victim blaming” instead, that might be more of your forte.


Wow Marilove. The intensity and vitriol with which you post makes it seem like you think your readers are the problem.

Now I see the problem. You very much care about this issue and I applaud you for your concern and passion. However, attacking people for asking you questions seems kind of odd and counter to your goals.

While I am quite sure you have followed the minutia of this story from the beginning, most of us out in the big wide world have not. We are aware there are trollies who make death and rape threats. Most of us think that is a horrible thing. No sane person supports that sort of thing. Those of us who are aware of what trollies are, tend to not want to feed the trollies’ narcissistic needs and as no one has actually been hurt, physically confronted, or made visual contact with one of these trollies, the stories about Ferguson, Dallas ebola, North Korean military takeovers (they have the bomb), and all of the other terrible things out there are on our mind as well.

If you don’t keep some perspective in mind when telling people about what is happening with gamergate, you may end up sounding like an over twisted hate machine. Not everyone shares your priorities. That’s neither right nor wrong. It’s a fact of life. You may want to bring it down a notch and stop attacking the “general public” as if they were the real problem.

I have an alternate angle for you to try. Instead of attacking people for not being aware enough or for not having what you see as the correct viewpoint or opinion on gamergate, please share with us things we can do to help. Let us know what steps we can take to stop the threats and what we can do to help women in the video game industry in general. In this way, you can educate rather than attack. Because if attacking people is all you have, then you can fuck right the hell off.



Oh, come on. If those others are applying a stereotype to themselves, it’s reasonable to assume that they accept that stereotype.

If someone were to proudly proclaim that they were a Nazi, and when people reacted badly to it they got upset because they wanted the “Nazi” stereotype to mean “plays with fuzzy kittens in rainbow-strewn meadows”, then just who do you think holds the responsibility for taking action to clear up the issue?