Online anti-harassment task force launched



What’s the countdown on the website about? I tried (albeit briefly) to find out what happens in ~207 days, but failed. Anyone know?

Wow I hope this works!


This needs to be a thing. I want to donate some of my meager funds to this effort. I hope they have some robust computer security knowledge behind them somewhere. I know Quinn and Lifschitz are game developers, but I don’t know what that means when it comes to knowing how to maintain a secure network. They’re going to need it.


Was counting comments on the posts. GG was maybe 100x more comments than poor Alan Schwartz post. Although maybe 1/3 was dialogue.

1 year anniversary for the blog post that ruined Quinn’s life.


If nothing else, this is a valiant first start at collecting intel on internet trolls of nearly any kind. May work, may not, but kudos to them for attempting it.

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Wha? No Acid Burn?

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Well maybe everything that needs to be said about Schwarz has already been said, whereas everything that needs to be said about GG has already been said but it’s going to be said 100 more times whether you like it or not.

Which is good for in-group cohesion, but may alienate the outsiders and radicalize the weak adherents of the other side that could be converted by a softer approach.

Hardliners. Of either side. Bleh.

A good, solid, and respectable resource on what legal actions that you might take if you believe you are the victim of online harassment sounds like it could be a wonderful thing.


What exactly is a weak adherent of the side that advocates rape and death threats? Someone who only advocates rape threats?

The one who sticks around in a group not for what the fringe radicals advocate but for the belonging to the group itself. The primary factor in belonging to a group is often the belonging to the group; the group’s goals can be of quite a distant secondary importance.

By attacking the whole group instead of pinpointing the radicals only, all you achieve is providing them some external threat that will be good only for improving the group cohesion, radicalizing more of their members, and making the mellow-out and change of non-radicals even less likely.


Humans are fucking weird.


Do you think harassment and death threats and misogyny aren’t as important than a topic about Alan Schwartz (which has been talked about here a lot lately)?

This is objectively false.

And what do you mean by “softer approach”? How is one supposed to react “softly” to death threats? What?


By attacking the whole group instead of pinpointing the radicals only,

EVERY ONE in the gamer gate group or who supports gamer gate is a radical misogynist. There is no fucking middle ground here.


I hate to say this, but as a former GamerGate Slacktivist I find that comment offensive and stereotypical.
Many of GamerGate Slacktivists were Trolls, no doubt about that, but some of them were either women, minorities, and Progressive Liberals. I, myself, aren’t misogynistic in any sense of the word, nor homophobic, nor a bigot as well.


Oh for fuck’s sake, they are ALL trolls. The ENTIRE point of gamergate is to disparage women. If you don’t want to be associated with misogynist trolls, then don’t align yourself with misogynistic troll campaigns. Easy fucking peasy.

This is seriously NOT my problem. This is YOUR problem and YOUR fault.

Hang out with a better class of people next time. Take responsibility for your shitty alignments and past sexist points of view.

And yup! There are sexist and misogynistic women. That’s nothing new. Try again.

Just because you claim something isn’t misogynistic doesn’t make it so. I’ve seen the evidence.

THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF GAMERGATE was to shit on one woman, and it’s grown from there. You’re utterly delusional if you think otherwise. I mean, even you say you aren’t part of gamergate anymore. I WONDER WHY.


All muslims are terrorists.

Same logic in blaming the entire group for actions of its fringemost elements.

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