Garrison Keillor fired over allegations of his inappropriate behavior




From what I understand, I’d be left with Clifford Brown’s recordings.

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That giant red dog that played fetch with school bus with a bunch of kids on board, killing them all?


I don’t suppose withholding judgement about Keillor until it is known what the allegations are, and possibly his rebuttal, is a thing anymore?


Yeesh. Chris Thile gets handed the torch and now this. I’m sure they’ll make the most of it (NPR has added a lot of new programming in my area in the last couple months) but I can’t help but feel bad for him. He went as far as adopting Keillor’s cadence in order to fill his shoes.


Bad things isn’t an isotropic field. Every does bad things. I often jaywalk (though only when there’s no traffic and I do try to hustle it along). Not everyone does very bad things. I feel quite confident that once I’ve divested myself of interest in the content created by bigots, fascists, sexual harassers, assaulters and rapists, I’ll still have ample content left to enjoy. Because astoundingly, some artists have ability not to be raging asshole predators. Those that are made a decision, they’re not inherently predators.

If you want to separate the art from the artists then by all means do so. In some cases I do as well. That’s a personal choice. But let’s not fall into the trap of believing that all bad things are the same or that all artists are horrible people.

I wouldn’t say excuse so much as reason. He’s not trying to excuse what he acknowledges to be bigotry. Card believes his anti-LGBT activism is right and justified. Which doesn’t make it any better. It just makes him consistent.


And once they know it’s safe and that they won’t be hounded by asshole predators, you might be astounded by the number of artists and creator now willing to step in.


You’ve got to be kidding me! I know I’m not the only one who likes BoingBoing so much we check it every day.


He kinda looks like he’s headed over to Breitbart.

Thank you for saying so. That means a lot to me!


Wait, I…I think I feel a rush to judgement coming on right now.
Oh, no… I guess not, it seems to be fading…

…it’s gone.


You can feel free to respond to this news that way. I, similarly, am free to believe that MPR has an actual reason to disassociate from Keillor like this.


Can you point to any cases in the last 50 years in which a prominent male public figure was fired based on allegations of sexual harassment or assault that turned out to be baseless or untrue? I mean it must be a pretty frequent phenomenon for so many people to be this concerned about it, right?


Almost definition-ally.

We don’t know what happened or if Garrison Keillor did anything. What we have a vague accusation. We don’t know the accusation and we have no facts. How is any of this ethical? There is no proof or preponderance of evidence.

Trust what you can prove and be verified by another party.

Why does this feel like a “Red Scare”? Why do I feel like we are being play? Is this the new wedge against the Democrats, Men Vs. Women? If this is an unethical over correction there will be a backlash.


And I hate everything.

You do know that performers aren’t always like their public persona, yeah? That they can be delightful and charming on stage, and not so much in real life?


Clean, but dead. And missed.


Know who does have those details? MPR. And what they have seen so far was enough to make them immediately cut ties with one of the most prominent and successful figures in the history of public radio.

Is it possible this is all a big to-do over nothing? Sure. Is it likely? Logic and precedent certainly suggest otherwise.


Only if you think being a man automatically entails committing or abetting sexual harassment and assault. I have a higher opinion of my fellow men than that.