Generic 2016 US Election Cycle Recycling Bin

Our politics are fucking dismal.

Here’s hoping Nick Xenophon doesn’t burn himself out fighting the good fight, and turns out to be our Bernie Sanders one day. And that all those progressive micro-parties form a progressive alliance with the Greens, and Labor is eventually forced to make a coalition with them.

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No idea who he is, but I’d totally vote for someone called Xenophon. What are his super powers?


That’s putting it mildly.

If I voted, I probably would for the NXT (Nick Xenophon Team). Or the Sex Party. But micro-parties are about the only way forward that I can see. The entrenched major players offer me only a Clinton/Trump choice and I really want neither.

Googling NXT suggest he’s got the ability to both turn himself into demon-form and also kick holes through people’s chests, along with being a programmable Lego set. Which is actually pretty badass.


Doing what ‘public servant’ says on the tin. To a heroic degree…

Xenephon’s a bit too far to the economic right for my taste, but at least he’s honest. The ALP and the Coalition are both lost causes; hopelessly corrupt careerists.

Go Team Green.


Sorry, what with all the other political crap going on, I haven’t been paying attention to Oz. What plans do your politicians have for screwing up the English-speaking world down under?


Same as usual. A bipartisan consensus to destroy the world via coal mining and subject any refugees we catch to treatment that would be illegal in our prisons.


Just the English-speaking world?

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Our CO2’s gonna fuck everyone.


Looking forward to a do-over of your presidential election?

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“Looking forward” - not too much, I was happy with the first result. But then, at least we never have significant lines at our polling stations.

There already was a thread about this election, though, so I’ve put my real answer over there: Far-right candidate narrowly defeated in presidential election

Give 'em Hill.

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In case you needed a reason to not vote Republican…

Republican platform: Sell off public lands in the West, log national forests

I guess it’ll be popular with the Bundys, though.


I’m not shocked. That being said, we haven’t seen much expansion in protected lands since Bush Senior and Bill Clinton.

GOP = utter filth

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So I just spent a few minutes looking up Mike Pence… and I was shocked how many things he’s done that I knew about and didn’t know he spearheaded:

  1. Comparing the Supreme Court holding up the ACA to 9/11
  2. Pushing forward the anti-LGBT legislation that had companies and conventions pulling from Indianapolis
  3. Saying that the government needs to be against homosexuality to “prevent the spread of HIV”
  4. Not only is anti gay marriage, but anti civil unions
  5. Said homosexuals in the military would weaken the military
  6. Completely defunded Planned Parenthood in the state
  7. Pushed for anti-earmark legislation while earmarking other bills
  8. An equal to McCain in Iraq war support

I honestly didn’t know this was all the same guy, and now I struggle to think who Trump is trying to reach with his VP pick… and I think he managed to make a worse choice than Chris Christie.


Anyone still think that Trump will “pivot to the centre” in the general?

Trump already tried to change his mind. I don’t think he’ll still be on the ticket in Nov.

Christie didn’t get it because he prosecuted Ivanka’s husband’s dad when he was the US attorney for NJ.

Don’t you mean better choice? Because as history clearly shows, the GOP is all about being as vile as possible; in fact, continuing to push the boundaries of plausibility regarding how vile a human can be, let alone a human that people actually vote for.

Seen through this lens, Trump and the GOP even command a certain amount of grudging admiration.

