Generic 2016 US Election Cycle Recycling Bin

Is this the definition of elitism we’ve all been waiting for?

Is it going to be like Gulliver’s Travels ?

Are we going to have a civil war over what we eat for lunch?


What’s more elitist: going out to lunch to mingle with your constituents, or holing yourself up in your office surrounded only by your staff (who are people paid to placate you)?


Already done, my friend. Voted last Monday, thank you MD for offering early voting! I’m also glad to say that trump’s Stop the Vote operation failed to reach my polling place–the 45 minute waiting line was made up primarily of older African American women, and there were no white supremacists lurking in the parking lot with drugs and guns that I could see. The process was clear, well run, and efficient, and I have every expectation that my vote will count.

This is my second time voting early in a Presidential election, and it’s a crying shame that process isn’t available to every American. It’s also a crying shame that election day in America isn’t a holiday. To steal a phrase from a previous BB poster, America can put men on the moon, and we can develop a better mousetrap, but voting early is just a step too godamn far? As an old drill instructor liked to say, “Reach up and grab your ears. Now pull hard, and say, ‘Pop Pop Pop’! Now is your head out of your ass yet?”


That guy, such a non-elite. I mean, sure, he gets millions in political donations from the well connected billionaires who’ve defined his agenda, and is connected to dozens of well financed politically insular organizations tailored to benefit the wealthy, but the guy eats ham and cheese sandwiches, not those fancy-shmancy croque monsieurs the liberal elite eat.

Side note: I think we’re seeing the later stages of Walker’s descent into madness here.


I really hope things like early voting help keep people involved and active. I’ve seen so many posts from people whining about not wanting to bother or “covering their ears until it’s over”. As Alex Hirsch said…

A racist demagogue is gonna take over the world!

PEOPLE: Oh no how do we stop him?

Just put on pants and press a button

PEOPLE: Eh pass

— Alex Hirsch (@_AlexHirsch) November 4, 2016



So true. I shared the elevator this morning with a woman who said she was still undecided, although she did mention she wasn’t voting for trump. Still confused me, though.


Apparently he’s not the only one losing it. Drudge has gone from Hurricane Matthew Truther to… whatever the hell this is:


Meanwhile, good ol’ Rudy “Diarrhea Mouth” Giuliani has admitted that the Trump campaign worked with the FBI/Comey on the Hillary email letter.


She wouldn’t have done it 8 years ago – experience is actually a GOOD thing in politics, fear-mongers notwithstanding – and she won’t do it now.


If you consider that observant Jews and Muslims DON’T bring ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, it’s sort of true.



To be fair, he’s saying that he got a leak from a former FBI agent, not that the campaign worked with Comey/FBI on the emails. Whether there are deeper shenanigans is up for discussion, but he doesn’t say that they worked with the active investigation.


Why yes, that is Trump’s campaign manager calling CNN commentator Cory Lewandowski (who just happens to also be a former Trump campaign manager, and under Trump’s NDA) part of the team.


I like the birth state map a lot better. Both Carolinas are represented, as are Kentucky, Hawaii, and Iowa. I think Kansas loses representation because Eisenhower was born in Texas. Michigan gets swapped for Nebraska, because Gerald Ford of Michigan was originally Leslie King from Nebraska.

The PNW doesn’t have a lot of high-profile politicians. I thought Brian Schweitzer of Montana might have had a shot this election, but his homophobic remarks about Eric Cantor killed his chances a couple years back.

The Rockies? That’s a good one. Mo Udall could have been the first, but he didn’t get past the primaries back in 1976.

One or two from New Jersey, depending on how you count. Cleveland was President twice. As for the other states, those presidents (Pierce and Buchanan) were beyond awful, and arguably caused the Civil War.

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If you liked the past 8 years, vote Clinton. If a post-apocalyptic hellscape of a nuclear wasteland is more your speed, vote Trump.

In the second tweet, he was trying to say the beltway elite, or the political class, but he couldn’t find the words. While I agree with the sentiment, I don’t agree with it coming from him. “Don’t trust the corrupt politicians,” says guy bought and paid for with Koch money. “Vote for our guy, who’s just like theirs but orders of magnitude worse.”


What if I’m neither one or the other? I’m torn…


I have to say even if the last 8 years had issues, I still liked them a lot more than the 8 before that.


I think it’s fairer to say “Do you think the last 8 years were chock full of potential that might be realized with a less obstructionist Congress? Choose the side that’ll accomplish that with a strong downticket rather than the side whose goal is to dismantle every progressive idea from the past 20 years.”