Gentleman arrested after rudeness at beach

Jesus is certainly disappointed at the clowns who pretend to represent him.


He is a suicide and/or assault waiting to happen.

That would be terrible if he assaulted someone!




The fact that the “Jesus will judge you!” shirt is right there in the frame is amazing.


It’s true. It’s the ocean that’s lacking.


He still has a shirt on.

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Is that what passes as a beach in Texas? Ugh.

Looks at the beaches here is CA…

I’m guessing because the sand there is brown, most of it has left Texas for fear of being deported.


Yep, I imagine this would be challenging for a creationist to watch. Or a white supremacist, for that matter.

The guy’s display seems to come out of impotence and desperation. Hopefully he gets help before he shoots someone or someone shoots him.

A Connecticut Redneck in Cameron County Court


I just realized that the gif in the blog post is this guy and not from some poorly-written screwball comedy movie about beach bullies. Holy motherfucking shit. We’ve reached maximum patheticness and are still sinking fast.


Yeah it’s a sad thing when you’ve got a steady progression of govt. sending more people to war who come back injured mentally and physically (instead of dead like in the past, which tended to end wars faster), and subsequently cuts VA funding at the same time.

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He’s from Connecticut? He is the complete antithesis of the image I had in my head of people from Connecticut, all the way down to his vacationing on the Redneck Riviera.

Same for me, honestly. Never been there, so I always assumed it was citified rural folk, like on movies and TV.

Those are some very nice beaches up in the Panhandle. However, I’m not sure one would do any better there, as far as avoiding this type of asshole.

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I think the key word there is “descended.” However, I’m increasingly at a loss to see if, or how, we’ve evolved

(EDIT: @someguy beat me to it, sort of)

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The panhandle is great. It has been a very long while, but Alabama had the white sand with no people and most of the panhandle isn’t popular either. So even with assholes living there you at least have a lot of distance. South Padre is a bit of a hole, so it’s not surprising you would find an asshole there.

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Admittedly I haven’t been in a long time, but I recall passing a lot of Confederate flags in, around, and on the way to Destin and/or Panama City.

Now, I’ve always heard that name associated with Mississippi/Alabama/Florida, but not Texas. (The name fits, I just hadn’t heard it used that way.)

I think it’s because the water’s more stagnant or the currents aren’t that good or whatever – that it’s a bit of a backwater because it’s caught behind the outflow of the Mississippi. Thus one must get to (at least) Mississippi to hit a good beach. There might be a couple of good days a year when the current pulls the other way.

Then one gets up to Galveston, near the end of the Ship Channel. I’ve dipped my feet in the water at that beach, and afterward it felt like they were coated with soap. After that I wouldn’t dunk a toe in.

Down with beach rudeness, up with beach nudeness.


Start making shirts and sell them on spring break - you will make a killing.