Gentleman says he doesn't know what critical race theory is, but he doesn't like it

Not difficult.


But have we learned nothing these past several years if not that the right wingers will take whatever terms are used by the left and twist them out of all recognition? I mean, it’s controversial to say that Black lives matter ffs. It’s controversial to claim to be anti-fascist. Those clips of Maxine Waters at the recent house hearings show that the right won’t even admit that socialist programs (SS, Medicare) are socialist when trying to pass a resolution denouncing socialism.
The notion that if we just use the right words we will make any headway with these people needs to die in a fire.
Waters’ counter-arguments at the hearing illustrate, IMO, a far more effective approach.


Equality studies, as the left now calls its attempt to smuggle CRT into our classrooms. It of course means communism, their attempt to make sure hard-working Americans are no better off than welfare queens and criminals.”

Worrying about denying ammunition to people who make it up whole cloth is a waste of time, and one that only makes it seem as if they might have a point. As ClutchLinkey says, far better to confront the lies.


Nah, see if we just get better branding, we’ll win! Problem solved! Capitalism solves ALL problems! /s


Or at the very least, force them to state a definition of the term. Not necessarily people like the gentleman shown here, but politicians and pundits should be continually forced to define their terms if they want to question others about the topics or enact laws around them.
They should be the ones forced to come up with new terminology when they attempt to co-opt already-recognized terms or titles. :woman_shrugging:t2:


And there is the truth of the matter. Nice, succinct, fits on a bumper sticker.


Let’s rebrand!

“Critical of Racists Theory”



Can I copyright the phrase “I teach Critical of Racists Theory” for T’shirts?

Capitalism solves everything!

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