Gentleman warns youngster against wearing Sons of Anarchy vest

The guy wearing the vest did the smart thing though, when crazy addresses you, agree, play along, end the interaction as soon as possible and GTFO.


:notes: They see me rollin…

:notes: They do not see me rollin…


95% of the guys wearing club jackets and vests in my areas are part of clubs for retired law enforcement.

Dollars to doughnuts the jerk with the camera rides 3 day weekends with The Absolute Bastards of Dentistry.


As I uderstood it, the thing that could actually get you fucked up is if you modified that SOA vest such that it had a territory specified in the bottom rocker. Then, you might get into conflicts with other puerile MCs who “owned” the same territory.


I was very disappointed the guy took off the vest. For most of the video, I thought he was just humoring him by listening to him and his passive-aggressive rant (“I should take it from you right now, but… it’s the middle of the daytime”). I was sure he was just going to say “Well, nice to talking you” and get in his car.

Also, I didn’t get how he just let the guy tape him. If someone has their iphone up at me while they’re having a conversation, I’m going to at least ask why I’m being recorded.



Stolen squalor


Even though it was mostly cops doing the shooting that big shootout/riot/mob/terrorist pow-wow at the restaurant in Texas was about exactly that. It was the assertion of “Texas” on the bottom rocker that was the problem, not the presence of a different motorcycle club.

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Normally I can’t stomach youtube comments. But in this case, I feel the rabid abuse and anger was well directed! (I mean, the comments were still hateful, mean & ignorant, but at least they were aimed at the right person…)

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That’s how I roll…


If the kid was in a biker bar, I’d get it. It would be like me walking into a Scottish pub wearing the “signet” ring I made myself and flashing it around. But this macho dickhead is just being a supercilious twit. A real club member wouldn’t post a fucking YouTube video talking smack about how he’d totally beat up some kid except A, B and C. He’d either let it slide, tell the kid it’s not the best thing to wear in certain company and be more discreet without actually threatening him, or if he was a turd he’d just take the jacket away and leave. There wouldn’t be a video of him doing an impression of a middle-school bully.

Also, SOA bears the same relationship to actual clubs as war movies have to actual war. Most are about as interesting as your local hunting lodge, and those that operate in the gray and black markets have nothing romantic about them.


Heh. Some are pretty good:

That sorta sounds like Paul Humphrey. I wonder if the guy behind the camera is Paul Humprhrey from Emmett, Idaho? Crazy running into you on here, still up to your old shenanigans bullying skinny guys at gas stations? Some things never change Pauly boy, do the ladies still call you Smally Pauly?



(that line still Stings after all these years)


This was me at a Vegas rally in 2003 with my Old Lady. We got some disapproving looks from “real” bikers as we rode past, but it turns out they don’t mess with you when you’ve got a few hundred other riders watching your back.


Let’s pour a 40 in the toilet to remember those who lost their lunches.


Rebel Alliance helmet FTW!


This happens to me every time I wear the black leather cap of the Black Widows leader from Every Which Way But Loose.


Check out the NERD with the Rebel emblem to your left. I wish you had run them off the road and then lit them on fire as they struggled to claw their way out of the twisted wreckage.

Empire forever!

Another person asking for it. Just some friendly advice, and since the 2nd sun hasn’t set yet I won’t do anything, but you’re likely to get your Proton Torpedo tube bent wearing that around.


I hear you brother, I go through the same thing when I roll like one of The Punks.


Yeah but real browncoats won’t show up and stomp you for wearing a cut from a fake group on a TV show. Bikers? They’ll kick your ass if you’re wearing fake colors like that and you run into them at the wrong time.


What I loved about that film is the creativity in coming up with ways to set each gang apart. Now a days it is just a color. These guys had commitment and pizzazz.