Geologists on the impossible logistics of the 1,000-mile Great Wall of Trump

This is a very interesting point. Sure, it’s easier to conceal mind control technology when you are building a solar farm (which are basically satellite dishes) or windmills (radio towers, anyone?), but building this wall will give Trump an excuse to send tons of construction supplies out to distant locations that no one is going to be monitoring. They say they are building a wall in the middle of the desert, but who is going to go check (who will make it back if they try?)

I mean, look at that image posted above:

If you built a secret base, chiseled into the wall of that canyon, who would ever find it.

We all should have realized this when Trump said the Mexicans would pay for it. He seemed to know something we didn’t - like how he was going to have a massive mind control array at his disposal. Not that he’ll really be in control, the cabals that really run things don’t care what the president thinks, but I bet they’ll let him use it for that just to make him feel important so he can keep being a useful stooge.


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