German shepherd alarmed by sudden disappearance of owner

The music really does add to the video.

“Happy happy, I’m on a stroll and my owner’s right behind me, so fun!”

“Wait a minute, where’s the owner? Oh no, this could be a crisis.”

“Oh, there he is, all’s great again!”


Exactly. It’s a battle the dog wins every day.


I grew up with a German Shepard and can agree that while our dog was wonderful … she really hated the mailman.

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Sure, but that dog you see isn’t your dog. Probably isn’t that way? That dog seems mostly distracted by “are you still there hooman”?

I’ve had both types of dog.

Current dog is definitey on leash in THAT situation. She is super omega dog, but she still wants to say hi to a new persons face, which is a total PITA.

My old boy? He used to hang out on the porch and escort people to the end of the block and back. He had standing dates with neighbors who he would walk with. Note: they did not take him on a walk, he merely joined groups of pedestrians he knew enjoyed it, on the half mile walk walk to the end of the quiet cul de sac. He didn’t wander.

I see that old shepherd, he’s not going to do a darned thing to nobody. But my neighbor, for instance, have VERY forward shepherds - and he uses them to intimidate people because he’s a toxic vet with PTSD - but his dogs know I am not to be messed with - but they would totally scare the heck out of anyone who didn’t grow up with shephard dog (as I did, my first was 110 lbs of shepherd. I was 6).

My dog loves our mailman. So much so that if we’re out on a walk when he’s in the neighborhood, Luke (dog, beagle) will pull me for blocks to go and find Arlen (letter carrier, grump.)

I don’t think it has anything to do with Arlen’s pocketful of treats. Nothin.


My UPS guy told me he takes a break in my yard sometimes to play with my dog if she’s on the run. HA!


Germans hating uniform? Come on! Never. Must have been an impostor dog!

FTR, Gaspode agrees with me on that, I’m sure of it. Think he really needs an account on the BBS, so we can discuss matters going to the dogs.


cc @Lot_49

We have a 90lb Chocolate Lab. She is a total sweetheart once you give her the chance, but she does have a loud and deep bark, and she is rather large. Multiple times the mail people have refused to deliver to us because of her.

I always say the best home defense is a large dog with a deep bark.


if only she knew there were cookies in it for her with not barking at some people :slight_smile:

I’m a little bummed mine is becoming a barker. She was so mute the first 2 years, but she is as she is, and I love her dearly.

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When I was growing up the rule in my town was “on leash or under control at all times”. These laws tend to be municipal, and in some unincorporated places there might be no laws at all. I raised one dog in rural England, and she went with me everywhere (including shops) without a leash, but I wouldn’t have trusted any other dogs I’ve owned to that extent.

In my current (urban) neighborhood there are several houses with dogs and unfenced yards, and sometimes the dogs go walkabout. For the most part this isn’t a problem.

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My parents had German Shepards that loved the mailwoman (She was quite fond of them too. If no one was home to collect a package, she’d leave treats for them tucked under a rubber band.), but I can see why the Shepards you encountered would be… less friendly. Shepards, being shepards and all, tend to get really protective about something. Usually they get protective of their owners, so they don’t like strange people coming near “their” space. My parents Shepards had a backyard full of chickens to protect from foxes and the like, so they were a bit more chill when it came to strange humans coming around.


I don’t know. I feel like you can tell who’s an arse based on a few lines in a comment on a blog. So maybe.


Love German Shepherds, always wanted one… some day maybe. This video does make me feel for the pup i just want to give it all the hugs, but one the plus side the dog did not take the owner’s absence as an excuse to run off as some more independent dogs might be inclined to do. Miss having dogs :c


You feel like I can do that? Maybe I can. Interesting concept.

I can tell who is behaving poorly in the moment, that I am comfortable saying about myself.


Good shepherd rescue places – I adopted Ivory from Westside German Shepherd Rescue – will do a really thorough behavior assessment of each dog, and then survey and screen the would-be adopter seven ways from Sunday to get a good match.

It took over a year to find a match. Would have been sooner, but there’s this thing called “foster failure.” If a really good dog ends up at a rescue group, the foster family often ends up adopting him or her themselves.

Ivory . . . well, she was advertised as “low to mid energy.” But it turned out she was overweight, and once we walked that off (she went from 82 lbs. to 70 lbs.) she became “let’s walk let’s walk here, here’s a toy for you to throw hey you shifted in your chair that means we’re going for a walk right? you havne’t thrown this dog toy in a while . . .”

Well, anyway

Go window shopping:

P.S. If you live in L.A., Westside has a “walk our dogs” program. You volunteer to go on a field trip to thills with a whole mess of German shepherd dogs and go hiking with one of them.


You are such a doggo person. Wow. Nice.


Would absolutely consider it but i’m afraid i would not have the time i’d like to devote to a dog and i’d feel guilty about it. But if the opportunity presents itself i will definitely try to rescue one, there’s some good reputable organizations here in Austin and nearby areas as well but i appreciate the recommendation :smiley:


No I was saying that about myself - I feel like I have a pretty decent idea on who in this thread is the arse. I’ll give you a clue - the first person who used the term “arse”.

I’m not crazy about the guy playing the trick on his dog, but the sputtering outrage about a unleashed dog clearly outweighed that in my mind.

But I feel like I’m part dog most of the time, so there is that.

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Today’s deep thought: if a German Shepherd is in Germany, is it just a Shepherd?


Good question, i looked it up for lulz and got this:

The breed was named Deutscher Schäferhund by von Stephanitz, literally translating to “German Shepherd Dog”.

So seems they are definitely still considered/named German Shepherds in Germany.