Get your kids Walmart's Israeli Soldier Costume for the classiest Halloween ever

He should have said so from my initial response.

it’s not me that needs to understand the difference. I’m well aware that a difference exists. It’s that the religious argument is used as a political tool by some Israeli politicians.

I assure you, I understand the politics of the region rather well. You just dislike that I disagree with you, I think.

Yes, the classic American plastic toy soldier, known to Austrians from the movie Toy Story.

But yes, that would be considered inappropriate for purchase by a school in Austria.
Fantasy/SciFi/Medieval/Ancient warfare is OK for toys (though lots of people disagree), but those toy soldiers (and a realistic soldier costume even more so) are just too close to the horrors of 20th and 21st century warfare. Most parents would want to discourage their children from that kind of war games, and therefore putting those in the games cupboard at an elementary school will meet with resistance. Saying that schools should not supply kids with toy soldiers and guns (even if some of them are allowed to play with those at home) would be supported by a majority.

I think that might be one of the many cultural differences between different countries. The favourite computer games of American teenagers are illegal to sell to under-18-year olds in Germany because they are too violent. Conversely, many a European movie is considered suitable for six-year-olds in most European countries, but “rated R” for its sexual content in America.

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They are nowhere near as recognizable as a crusader knight, so I doubt the market for those costumes is that big.

Now they really don’t count. At a time where Islam didn’t exist, the muslim-ness (islamicity?) of military organisations was of interest to exactly no one.

So really, I think the crusader knights the one other military body beside the IDF that is likely to fulfil both criteria:

  1. It is being sold as a children’s costume somewhere
  2. It is a fighting force that is likely to be considered an enemy by many Palestinians.

My point was just that it was therefore entirely understandable that someone would post a picture of a crusader knight costume in this thread.

Interesting–I wasn’t aware that was the sentiment! But between the American perception of our military (they can do no wrong, until they do, but even then the bad people probably deserved it) and the absolutely bizarre American cognitive disconnect surrounding guns and gun ownership, it’s unlikely (he said, having no children and little idea of what childcare/education services are like here) that anyone would look askance of such a toy in an American school.

I remember watching TV in France, and IIRC, around 10pm the Canal+ TV station would shift to soft porn movies. In America, you either have to watch TV commercials or get cable TV to be titilated (but not too titilated).

America: we’re A-Okay with guns and violence, but sex and bared breasts are NOT OKAY.


They’ve all occupied our land at one time or another. FWIW the Arabs call all Western forces crusaders these days.

I don’t care that you disagree with me, its no skin off my back or the backs of my friends and family in the State of Israel. I do however think you don’t understand the issue as well as you claim considering your words here:

and how you dodged just about every key point I referred to or just answered with talking points. I don’t think you understand the history of the conflict or current Israeli politics but you are obviously willing to take a side.

I know people who’ve never seen action, but just gone through basic. Infantry training is all about dehumanization of both the enemy and the soldier who is being trained. The doctrine is that they break the recruit down, and rebuild them in a shape fit for the military. That includes a lot of dehumanization of the troops themselves, as well as a lot of training to try and get them to avoid perceiving the enemy as human at all.


Which is what makes returned service people such wonderful LEOs! >.<



(But what’s your point? What do these facts have to do with either an Israeli Soldier Costume for children or a crusader knight costume for children? Are you arguing against one of my points or are you just supplying related facts that you think should be mentioned? I’ve lost track.)

Except that it’s still a (more or less) realistic soldier costume. Definitely inappropriate in my book. Note that this opinion has nothing to do with any opinions I might hold on the IDF or the politics of the region.

I think we’re just going to have to leave it at that. I think we’re just talking past each other at this point. It’s a shame, because it’s one of the most important geopolitical issues of our day.

No real hard feelings though.

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