Someone needs to be more responsible with their red ball.
na na, na na na na na na, na katamari damacy!
Does anyone else remember a PC game called D/Generation, in which you have to evacuate hostages from a building overrun by increasingly sophisticated bioweapons? That there is an A generation.
Yeah, this is the one they send if 6 ever makes it out of the village.
Did they find a body?
Do not taunt happy fun ball!
Yet another game I’ve been meaning to play for ages. Seems it’s out on Steam in HD these days, and even on the Switch.
yeah. as someone who lives in toledo, this is weird to see bubbling back up.
It’s picking up speed!
Bummer there doesn’t seem to be a good copy to be found. Here’s the best I could get (requires flash).
Then there was the one that was not so much fun.
I thought I’d seen it here before, but I couldn’t find it in a search.
“And I’m freeeeeeee. . . free fallin ballin’!” – Tom Petty
Wow, I’d hate to see the size of the clown that red nose fell off of!
I loved it as a kid. It’s more puzzle game than action shooter, so there was a real sense of accomplishment moving up through the building. There are flashes of world-building revealed on computer terminals as you progress, revealing an increasingly sinister mega-corporate dystopianism. The first time I confronted the game boss, I got actual existential chills and had nightmares for days.
Great stuff.
Came to ensure someone said “I am not a number …” and left implicitly satisfied.
ETA and came back to say King John was not a good man:
And, oh! Father Christmas, if you love me at all,
Bring me a big, red, india-rubber ball!”