Giuliani says even if Trump murdered Comey he can't be indicted

the guy “won” by losing the popular vote as much as is probably possible while still lining up just enough electoral votes to slide his way into office. his popularity has since declined, and seems very unlikely to improve. short of the Dems running someone with even more built-in animosity and distrust as Hillary sadly had, i just can’t understand why anyone thinks this jerk has a lock on re-election. GW Bush had approval ratings approaching 90% after his first year, and only barely beat Kerry. this guy? where is he going to get even 10% more support? by hurling more abuse at minorities or giving more money to the rich? the only folks who will be pleased by that are already in his column. the defeatist shit isn’t just not helpful, it also doesn’t seem to be based in reality.


Vice presidents can shoot people and then the victim will apologize (for what, I couldn’t say), if we’re citing the Cheney incident.


He may not have murdered anybody, I have no doubts the he’s responsible for deaths.


Lock? No, nothing is ever certain.

However, some factors to consider:

  1. America was designed as an anti-democratic oligarchy from the beginning.

  2. Much of the American working class is functionally disenfranchised. Voter suppression, workday voting, felon disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, etc. These factors were already extreme pre-Trump, and GOP legislatures have been ramping them into overdrive ever since the election.

  3. The establishment Democratic party is both deeply corrupt and wildly incompetent.

  4. Fascists are counting the votes. If you think that the Trumpists wouldn’t dare to fuck with vote counting, you haven’t been paying attention.

This does not mean that electoral efforts should be abandoned. But they should also not be relied upon.


Because Carl Urban would probably make a better president? :wink:

Hear hear! I just don’t have that much life to wait through. Also the climate of the culture is so vitriolic right now… I just can’t. In 2025. Can I survive through my 40s like this? Especially if it gets worse and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. That’s life. No reason not to try though… the one benefit of having your back against a wall so to speak.

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So I guess we’re talking about Americans here right? Cause foreign people seem to get shot all the time (but only by proxy, does that count?).


What if Donald killed Melania?

If Rudy’s right (hasn’t been since he began his whatever of Donald), then Donald had even more incentive to whack Melania.

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Mr. Giuliani, I have a question: if there are no legal means to address such serious breach of law as murder by a president, would the only available response of the American people be extra-legal?


While I’m sure a lot of hard-core right-wingers are nodding their heads in approval, a lot of old-fashioned conservatives are probably a bit creeped out by this and want Rudy to shut the hell up.

I’m imagining Trump hearing this and thinking “cool, I CAN shoot someone!” Then he shoots someone, and GOP congressmen and Fox News talking heads all line up to defend the shooting.


We have being leading to this point since George W. Bush. Barrack Obama didn’t halt it, he accelerated it. Now we are faced with an Imperial president who is a a lawless madman. It was just a matter of time before this happened.

Impeach this criminal. It is time to put the president under greater constitutional control. The judiciary may need more authority to put the president in check. The congress may need more control to direct and recall a president.

The president is out of control. Call you congressman today and call for his impeachment and removal. Trump is the madman we have always feared.


Looks like you brought a gun to a drone fight!


This is setting up exactly the constitutional crisis that scares the hell out of me: Mueller presents evidence of all manner of crimes involving him and his top aides (including children), from money laundering to violating campaign laws to perjury, and Trump’s response is…so what?

He dares Congress or the DOJ to do something about it and announces a preemptive pardon to himself and anyone caught up in the investigation, and then when a state AG tries to pick up the ball and run with the money laundering charges, he orders the Marshalls to seize the files and prevent any arrests.

Then what happens? Does anyone think that the GOP Congress would do anything other than hold a press conference about how we should really be investigating Hillary’s emails instead?

ETA: that’s not a rhetorical “what happens,” by the way. I really do wonder what the hell happens at that point in our history, and I frankly have no idea what would come next.


I think you just answered the question right there.


Fine, normal tweet:


Or Trump beat her up and the White House staff are waiting for the swelling and bruises to go away. Could anyone say that a creep like Trump wouldn’t do that?



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Is there a track-edit function on BB-BBS? Because unless I wrote my comment in a dream (possible), there was an early version of that post to which I was responding.

Maybe I’m hyper-sensitive, but man, stuff like that makes me uncomfortable. I know that if Ted Nugent had filmed a video pointing a gun at a caricatured Obama like that, I would have thought it crossed a line.


Agreed but, here we are.

Everyone is thinking it.

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