"Go f*ck yourself" — Elon Musk melts down on stage

He found the angle the first time he endorsed it.

To be more specific, PizzaGate is another story about a secret cabal of wealthy and influential puppetmasters (from the worlds of finance, entertainment, and liberal politics) kidnapping children to drain them of a coveted bodily fluid.

His maternal grandfather also was a Jew-hating right-wing populist.

As to this meltdown, this Galt-like titan of business apparently doesn’t understand that his turning Xitter into a Nazi bar will not only destroy his current revenue model but also preclude his fantasy “everything app” one. I don’t blame the host for being confused.


They’re less investors than they are creditors. But they’re happy they’ll soon own a large chunk of Tesla. The Bonesaw clan is also happy that the platform promotes anti-Semitism and won’t be a significant source of criticism for their regime.