The purest distilled essence of Poe’s law.
I just saw this. F Kid Rock. Seriously, he’s one step away from Ted Nugent in the realm of
faux political entitled has been rockstar bullshitter.
I’m sorry. I know as a fellow Michiganian I should be in his corner… but I just can’t. I’m not a big fan of the music, or of the man. (Though it’s interesting that Wikipedia claims he was influenced by the Howling Diablos. I freaking LOVE the Howling Diablos.)
Unsuprisingly, the linked website gives no inclination of party affiliation or policy.
Worked for Sonny Bono?
Correction: the local TV news just displayed a picture of Kid Rock and his family grinning alongside Donald Trump. They also displayed a quote which was fairly critical of Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow. (I’ve met her. She’s very gracious and polite.)
So yeah, he’s a Trumpskateer, assuming he’s not pulling a publicity stunt to revive his career as a musician.
My most polite response to that:
Crapping these shitbags out of the system is going to be hardest pass America will have taken in decades.
As I said after the election, this too shall pass. The question is whether it will pass like flying colors, pass like a kidney stone, or pass like away.
Oh, it does. It’s right under the photo. “ARE YOU SCARED?”
Ok. It might have changed since I visited it, or it might have been a difference on the mobile site?
I’m going with "Pass like on the morning after the five alarm chili and whiskey. "
Don’t apologize, I’m not going to entertain the notion of voting for this faux dirtbag, either. Stabenaw can be pretty milquetoast, but that’s kinda what we need at this point - a stabilizing force for the cray-cray emanating daily from DC.
Apparently, the latest word is that he is making an official run, but it’s believed it’s not a serious run. ie. He’s running as a stunt to boost album sales.
That honestly doesn’t make me feel better. Not when I’m pretty sure Trump had a similar idea.
We’ve got a word for those people in German. Politikdarsteller.
We’ve got a word for _____ in German is my new party game.
That’s Bob Lefsetz’s view of this:
German is such a great language.
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