Goat keeps escaping pen, so confused human sets up a camera and sees this (video)

Kids these days…


Goats gonna goat.


We had a nanny goat that was a real escape artist! We finally ended up tying a 3 foot long 2X4 with an 8 foot long rope to her collar. She still got thru the fence but was caught by that 2X4. Then we patched the fence and put her back in the pasture to find another escape site. Eventually we thought we either got all the holes fixed or broke her spirit. Nope she was waiting for the rope to come off. And it did, the rope wore thru and the 2X4 came loose. She escaped immediately!
We tried the same thing on our escapist burro, Poncho. He was having none of it! He chewed thru the rope and escaped into the garden to eat the young popcorn plants. He was a smart old donkey, he could sense if the electric fence was working right. If weeds grew into it the voltage reduced making it hurt less. Poncho could sense it somehow and would walk right thru the fence when it was compromised.


We had a horse once that no gate could hold. He could open any latch, untie any knot, figure out any rope or chain system. We finally had to start padlocking the gate to keep him from going on walkabouts because at least he needed thumbs to operate lock-picks, so that finally worked.


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