Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/14/goat-stuns-village-as-it-walks-through-town-on-its-hind-legs.html
Yup, looks like Old Scratch is fashionably late to 2020.
I knew it, bipedalism is a choice.
Four legs good; two legs better!
yeah, it looks like it’s carrying something… and upright walking aside, did it also develop opposable flanges on its front hooves?
Things like this, mixed with the recurring idea of people with goat legs and goats being associated with weird almost-human demonic happenings, make me wonder if this is actually a not entirely uncommon occurrence that we have collectively forgotten about but generations of myth and storytelling remember
Maybe they “taught” it to walk on its hind legs by tying up its front legs.
Hail Satan!
Black billy knows how to make an entrance alright!
Goats are constantly looking for new ways to be naughty
There is a reason goats are associated with the devil…
They’re a goat’s GOAT.
When asked what they thought of the spectacle, other village goats who had seen it all responded with an unenthusiastic, Mehhhhhh.
All that goat yoga is finally bearing terrifying fruit.
The stars are aligning, the Great Old Ones are waking from their slumber, Capital Laundry Services can only postpone CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN so far…
Iä! Shub-Niggurath!
It’s front legs are tied together. On two legs is the only way the poor thing can fucking walk.
Black Phillip 2020
Likely a cellphone. I’ll bet that goat walks into something later.