God damn you 2020

If you have any “old school” non-LED xmas lights, string those up in the branches of any fruit [trees] you are trying to save from frost. Try to do 1 deep watering 24-48 hours prior to the official frost, if the root zones are not well-watered already. Turn the lights prior to sundown, as temperatures start falling.

I usually get a few degrees (F) of buffer when I use incandescent xmas light strings, the bigger the bulbs, the better. I imagine any tree too big to cover with an old quilt or big tarp is probably too much trouble, but of course, having the lights on and under a tarp will buy you 5-8 degrees if you can manage.

We got irregular chill hours here in central Texas and our yields have been highly variable. And that’s with healthy hives.

Sometimes, it is better to just let the trees rest after a bumper crop year. Throw some greensand down now, maybe some Superthrive (or DIY B-complex vitamins dissolved in water as a rootsoak), well-rotted compost in March, prune dead-diseased-“crossing” tree parts in March or early April, and hit the reset button on yield expectations. Check for borers, or other signs of fruit tree distress. If you see the telltale pinholes, start spraying that dormant oil (aka refined mineral oil) now and along a schedule of booster-sprays at the intervals recommended for your zone.

If you are tempted to reinoculate inside the driplines, this is reliably well-balanced and useful. I get good results with this and with their Citrus-Tone (and Bio-Tone), applying about 2 weeks before nominal “last frost date” (haha, all bets are off on any official timing):

We have had our share of bee hives going up and down, absconding, dying, getting infested by mites moths etc., becoming fully Africanized, dwindling, swelling in the past few years.

It’s so hard to tell what got your bees, esp. if you live in an area that has ag pesticide drift, careless or clueless neighbors who spray bad stuff haphazardly, contaminated water sources… all those could kill a hive. You know all this already, I’d guess. We are pretty routine with our hive checks after a few years of unpleasant and sudden losses. I realize you’ve been busy.

Dunno if you have heard anything about this, but Paul Stamets is seldom wrong. Here’s his fungi-based bee supplement in development:

Maybe there’s something out on the market now?
We try to leave a bunch of fresh oak and honey locust logs around, to sprout fungus, where possible.

We were to get a good crop of pecans this year. Squirrels are eating every. single. pecan. Our paths are paved with pecan husks and shells. They are eating them still green.

Good luck, doc, and please take good care of yourself.



They claimed it was for “scheduled maintenance.” As in asshole Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin scheduled it to further his voter suppression campaign.
Definitely not “mysterious.” Fuck nola.com for that headline




People scoff at climate change because the changes in average global temperature seem so small. What harm could 5 degrees possibly do? Then they refuse to believe the science because they know that 5 degrees is nothing to worry about.


In a way they are small. A lot of people will point out that carbon dioxide is a trace gas…and indeed it gives just a small percentage change in atmospheric absorption, causing a small percentage change in absolute temperature, causing a small percentage change in ocean depth.

Sucks for us that the ocean is more than 3½ km deep.


Ignore this post if you just wanted to vent. I’m sorry your bees died. :cry:
Do you keep the bees for honey? If you want them more for pollination, setting up a dozen small wild bee houses might be worth the hassle. You don’t need to collect cocoons as long as you use paper tubes and put the old ones in an emergence box, replacing with new. Or catpenter bee houses. Female carpenter bees maintain their holes (which are also naturally resistant to mites). Even if you keep the bees for honey, some wild bee habitat could only be to the good.

Also I’m curious when did your hives die out? If they were stressed for some reason then a lack of late summer food sources may have tipped them over the edge.


I have put out native bee condos for several years with limited success. My hives made it through the winter but when the blossoms failed they absconded. Even me feeding them was not enough to keep them happy. I am usually a pretty hands off beekeeper, so can’t say exactly when, but no dead bees, just gone. :man_shrugging:


My swarm of bees has
fled! What shall I do?

If you own a bunch of bees (known to bee experts as a “swarm”), and it flies away one day and ends up on somebody else’s property, who owns it?
It’ s too bad they don’t teach bee law in school anymore, because this would be a great bar-exam question.
Turns out that the German Civil Code has a set of rules about bee ownership in this situation that seems to cover the gamut of possible outcomes. Most importantly, the first rule of fleeing-bee procedure is that you must pursue the bees immediately . Otherwise any claim to swarm ownership will be waived…

:weary: :sob:



It all makes sense now.



Animal House__Belushi__shocked


We’re fucking doomed. Dacre the misogynistic, racist editor of the actual literal Hitler supporting Daily Mail in charge of broadcasting standards? I see that the far right media person Andrew Neil is also setting up a new station to give a voice to those that don’t have a voice now. Old, white, and far right. Like that is a demographic that doesn’t actually dominate the media in the UK? I mean, he resigned from the BBC, one of the few outlets that isn’t entirely run by and for that demographic. Because he isn’t represented? If anyone as far left as he was far right (Adam Smith Institute) voiced their views on the BBC they’d be shuffled out of there. There would be a doodle of a Christmas tree on their HR file…




Funeral home staff said they had been advised by emergency personnel that they would continue to see her chest move for another hour.

What the hell? I’m no medical professional, but this seems seriously wrong.


Why even bother. The BBC is already so far in the Conservative party’s pocket, it does things like this:

Cutting away from a government pandemic update to give air time to a Conservative spokesman to attack said government.


Firstly, Scotland needs to ditch Tory England until such time as grown ups are in charge (at least). The unionist Labour party is not that.

Secondly that the far right Andrew Neil is presented as some bastion of impartiality is a result of the likes of the embedded Laura Kuenssberg tweeting the lies of Al de Pfeiffel and Cummmings’ as fact.