It says something about the state of dramatic fiction in TV/film that one is expecting this show to queerbait the audience, so when it doesn’t and fully commits to what you’re hoping will happen in this scene the feeling is joyous.
You should definitely watch some Homestar Runner videos if you’re not familiar! There is a whole bunch of them. They are just silly fun. I really loved waiting for a new video to show up on their website… It was a simpler time!
I really don’t know what it is about these silly little web cartoons that captured my heart so… they are just a perfect slice of early 2000s internet culture… I was talking about it with my better half and his theory is that, although you could get shirts and toys and games, it just never felt like they went “commercial” if that makes sense. It was a little weird thing that if you got it, you got it… No need to try and make it widely palatable, when you could just find your audience and speak to them!
I get that. I felt the same about…huh, I think of him as Internet Guy, but he didn’t use that name or really get called that. He did daily videos that i think of that way. Ugh, what’s his name! He went on to do imitations of Morgan Freeman’s voice. D’oh, brain no work this day.