Positively ballroom, absolutely fabulous: In these dances classes for the blind, grace and rhythm rule the night.
When Dance Haddonfield and the Haddonfield Lion Club started the classes last year, they thought they had a good idea. Since then, it has just grown and grown.
The video there is well worth watching.
I have heard that, when asked for biographical information, Lehrer would reply “say what you want, I don’t care.” Good for him that he wasn’t sucked into a life he didn’t want, too bad for us, deprived of his wit and insight over that last 50 years.
Some stuff we took for granted are a luxury for a lot of people.
I am so absent minded. I’ve post it in the wrong part of this BBS.
And DOs tend to gravitate to primary care, which is really good. Rock on!
The whale followed the rafters out, rather than running away, and the Marine Animal Response Society said it was spotted heading further out.
With new models such as the Boring Phone, the trend is partly being fuelled by young people’s suspicion of the data- and attention-harvesting tech they have grown up with, as well as a bid to live more offline. And while smartphones are the obvious target for this trend, the “newtro” (a portmanteau of “new” and “retro”) movement is heralding a revival of analogue media, including cassettes and fanzines, against the backdrop of the enduring, and much-heralded, vinyl boom.
I mean, this is unquestionably the right decision, but I am amazed that they did it anyway. May there yet be hope? (Yes, it is encouraging stuff!)
Cynical side of me thinks they’re just waiting until a similar case comes up after the election.
Two thoughts:
-Roberts wrangled the conservative vote to support corporate interests over their priority to ban all the abortions; or
-the conservative justices have been given orders to hold off on anti-abortion rulings until after the election, since their sugar daddies have caught onto the fact that Dobbs is the biggest electoral threat to Republicans this election (aside from T**** himself).
@anon15383236 enjoy!