GOP congressman retires after publication of text asking "ISIS bride" mistress to rim his ass

I didn’t mean to imply that she was part of the hit job. The news coming out from Breitbart, the day before the primary was the hit job. Odds are this, and other incidents (because there always are) were known to insiders for a long time.


Oh yeah I didn’t actually think you were. I guess I’m just dealing with my own frustration with Texas where this one party has had complete control for so damned long at the state level that they have grown shockingly corrupt but seem only able to make themselves more and more horrible as they cannibalize the weak and rally around people who quite literally want to overthrow the US and install Donald Trump as a dictator.


Yep. In Ontario, the provincial conservative leader before Doug Ford wasn’t delivering on his promises to the religious right, and bam, gone, in a similar way.


Y’know, it’s gotten to where you can’t even have a garden variety, kinky extra-marital affair with a jihadist’s wife without worrying about it being a sting operation by your political opponents. What has the world of Republican politics come to?




I guess it beats having to kiss that face.


I don’t understand all the piling-on. This guy hasn’t been some pillar of sanctimony as far as I can tell. He’s a “hero”-- he, a Republican, thinks Joe Biden is the true President of the US. Plus, Breitbart hates him, so there must be something decent about him.

I don’t get the “hypocrisy” angle. If anything, its hypocritical (for us) to kink-shame him.

She outed him because she didn’t like his politics? She didnt know them before she started affair with him? He paid some of her bills, yet she outed him anyway?

Nothing about this story is clear-cut.

I didn’t call him a hero. I called him a “hero”.


I’m just delighted to be able to put the words Rim His Ass in a legit headline.


If I’d known it was gonna be that kid of party, I’d have brought my crazy straw!


Overt racism, antisemitism, misogyny, destroy reproductive rights, suppress gender diversity, subvert democracy, defund public education, screw the climate, lickspittle idiot autocrats, commit graft, insider trading, gun nuttery, … whhhy, you’re GOPfine! But evince some kinky sex desire and yeeeeeerrr outta there! (-sigh-)


am i the only one who thinks it would be hilarious to hear sam elliott reading that text out loud?


People who prefer to give them?


It’s ALWAYS the kink shamers that’s got the kinks.

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He’s in a party that’s the “family values” party. They claim to speak for god-fearing, Christian Americans that uphold values that exclude getting a rim job from someone you’re having an affair with. They are also constantly targeting Muslims as “terrorists” and demanding that they not only be surveilled, but actively barred from entering the country and from citizenship because they believe that their faith is “unAmerican”. They are hypocrites when they push for the rest of us having to abide by their narrow, bigoted world view by passing laws restricting our freedoms or gutting hard won freedoms for the LGBQT+ community based on their believes that the “gay lifestyle” is amoral and then go out and do the exact same shit that they accuse the gay community and those of us who are not Christian or republicans of doing. Even if he’s not been particularly vocal about such things, he’s of the party that seeks to impose their “family values” bullshit (which I’m guessing doesn’t include rimming and extra-martial affairs with terrorists) on us while doing whatever they want.


Sadly, a non republican will never win in Collin County.

Van Taylor’s replacement is worse in many ways.

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“I like your style, Dude”.

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In the run-up to Tuesday’s primary, there were campaign signs all over Plano saying “Van Taylor BETRAYED US”, a reference to his decision to certify the 2020 election results.

The name of the Republican game in Texas right now is to see who can present themselves as the furthest to the right; Don Huffines, who unsuccessfully primaried Dr. Mr. Gov. Greg Abbott, MD, described himself as a Real Conservative.

As if it’s possible to be more conservative than the current officeholder, short of opening up death camps for trans teens and undocumented immigrants.


while i completely agree with your sentiments the concept of hypocrisy has no meaning with respect to members of the death cult. they are quite immune to all such charges. regardless of the nature of the peccadillo they rarely face substantial consequences for their actions and simply brazen it out shouting “taken out of context” or “fake news”. despite taylor bowing out of his race, as i’ve mentioned up thread imagine what might have happened to a democratic congressman who had been having an extramarital affair with a former jihadi who was the former spouse of an isil commander . . . when it comes top the death cult, even the “dead woman or live boy” of the old saying might not be enough to dislodge one of them.


Oh yeah! Absolutely true. But I fully believe we should call them out, loudly and often, as it might actually get through to some of their voters, when it comes to issues that they care about. I think there are at least some GOP voters who do believe in the family values rhetoric, try to walk the walk, and we should be pointing out to them the failures of the people they elect, as it might get through to some.


He is the consort of the enemy.