I’m guessing Courtland Sykes and others like him have realized, like Kid Rock did, that saying racist, mysoginist, homophobic things while invoking Trump and America is a great way to make a bunch of money right now.
GOP Senate candidate says women have the right to make him a "home cooked dinner every night at six"
Sounds like he wants a one party government, kinda like a commie lover.
Good lord that video…The failed lip sync is so distracting… And the fake reverb to make it sound like a speech… so amateurish. Hopefully that indicates his chances…
Oh is that what that was about?
I couldn’t figure out what he was trying to accomplish with that (or if it was intentional).
Since when does serving in any arm of the military provide rationale for being a good politician or good person, for that matter? My niece’s ex-husband is a Marine and counts as one of the scummiest pieces of dogshit I’ve ever encountered.
I know there are many honorable and patriotic people that have served in the military, but as an ex-special forces member told me,“The military in any country doesn’t want nice people, they want assholes that want to kill people.”
I’m not sure about the whore part. Are there any signs he’s getting any?
I came to this thread to find out what the women in the forum say this gentleman has the right to do.
His fiancée’s website, relevant since she is employed and not, yet at least, barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen.
Where is it that these people get all that hate?
Also, she may wan’t to work on that figuration a little. Oh, wait, she’ll be to busy cooking.
The propaganda is strong with these two.
He wants a younger version of his mom that he can fuck whenever he likes. That what all of those shitbags want. Freud would have a field day with that.
But seriously, Christ what an asshole.
Who knows. I read her bio on that site, and what stuck me most was she clearly doesn’t know the difference between socialism and communism.
It’s taught; passed down from generation to generation, like a toxic and corrosive ‘heirloom.’
Home by 6?
What is he on? Half days?
But…but…my fantasy world was ever so much more pleasant than one in which arseholes like this exist. :’(
Hope you have a big appetite
“Missouri is the real America!”
I was convinced this was satire until I saw this, maybe they’ve gone deep, long-con satire? please? these can’t be real people.