Government accidentally sends file on "remote mind control" methods to journalist

When a BBS comment answers a question you didn’t yet realize you wanted to ask


Now a new request needs to be filed to determine, what’s the frequency, Kenneth?


Well, being as the “benevolent” govt ran grossly unethical syphilis experiments/studies on its own citizens, wiped entire islands off the face of the globe with nuclear blasts, deliberately exposed its own soldiers to radiation effects, spies on its citizenry wholesale (see for example Snowden and other consequent revelations that are not disputed), routinely runs psy-ops against (once again) its own citizens, and obviously thinks The People serve the bureaucrats, you’ll forgive me if I forgo yukking it up with the rest of the flippant morons.

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… don’t even get me started on the horrors and “experiments” other governments have perpetrated on “the rabble” throughout history. Certainly, much of the stuff on these diagrams is fantastical and seemingly hoax-ish, but there’s more than a grain of reality vis-a-vis the invariably malicious intent that is a historical and ongoing consequence of The State and its associated corrupted power-mongers.

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Maybe this is the kind of technology they think Cuba have to attack US embassy staff?

If anyone deploy this forced orgasm machine, we just have to locate Barbarella. She is immune.


I’d call it rape.


Bio_Electromagnetic field which is unique for each human body.
This is Electronic signal frequency ID of each object.
Radar Electronic signal detect the object(Human Body) for modulation human brain wave.

Yeah, okay. I mean, I’m totally willing to believe that any government would cheerfully research mind control if they could, but this is D-grade crackpot bullshit. Next they’ll be talking about Kirlian Auras and the flow of Odic Force.


Is it believable? Absolutely! The question should be…Why wouldn’t the US government experiment on it’s own citizens when it clearly has conducted such atrocities before? And there are those who scoff at the belief that 9/11 wasn’t an inside job conducted by both the US and Saudi governments!

I don’t know, there’s a pretty obvious explanation: This is a document internal to one of the groups WSFC was targeting (D-grade crackpot bullshit indeed, fits the anti-government narrative), they managed to snatch a copy, had a good laugh about it, and kept it for the sake of completeness, without thinking of contextualizing it. And then it ended up included in the FOIA dump.

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My takeaway from this is that antifa are remote controlled zombies of the government.

You win the internet today !!

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Wow, this article brought in 4 brand new conspiracy believers. Here’s another one for you guys.

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The main reason this probably isn’t governmental material is that I remember seeing those exact images floating around in 2007-2008. I reblogged a couple of them from conspiracy/horror-themed ‘aesthetic’ tumblogs in 2008 or 2009, and they were fixtures of the infictive imageboard. So, if they were ever leaked material in the first place, they were leaked more than ten years ago.

More likely, the clerk handling the request is a troll with an interest in conspiracy theories, and zipped up the folder on his desktop named “psychotronic” to send along.

The Anarchists in Black?

I have had one of these in my head for over 10 years. I know the voices that I hear are real because I know who some of them are. I was drugged one night while living in Los Cabos, Mexico. The same thing happened to a Mexican friend of mine a year before it happened to me. I was done by members of the Temple of Set, whose leader at the time was Michael Aquino, who also worked in the U.S Department of Defense’s PsychOps division. That’s where these people got them. They are all in the Temple of Set and the Church of Satan. I also know they are real because white noise from my vacuum cleaner or hair dryer knocks them off the system for a while. This is not funny, people. All of the things that are listed on the graphic with the person on it are real, although I have never had the spontaneous orgasm. Yesterday, one of the women who are on this said in reference to this release, “this has everything.” I wish a journalist would take this seriously enough to help me get to the bottom of it.

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Consider the Feraliminal Lycanthropizer. And while you’re doing that, I’ll be over here, going through your stuff.


no kidding, right there tells you how dumb down and brainwashed the sheeple are. chemtrails, fluoride, pesticides, GMOs, forced vacs, the list goes on of how we are being manipulated and people don’t do a damn thing. that scares me more than the government.

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and the insane criminal cartel that run this planet…do waaaaaay worse unimaginable things… and the people do nothing because they are already brainwashed and they don’t know it. it is not normal for humans to not rise up and fight back when your life is at stake…but they are too far gone…i honestly don’t know what it will take before the people rise up against the tyranny.

so…what are you saying? that you don’t believe the government does this…or that these simply are not government docs?

The Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind controlled slave by Fritz Springmeier is the definitive work on this topic

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