"Grab them by the pussy!" Trump was caught on hot mic boasting about what he did to women

A huge vote winner for her.

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I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms – high school, college rec center, hard core places, old guy places – never actually heard anyone talk like this. The only time I’ve ever heard someone talk like this is if they were desperately self-conscious and trying to fit in with a group of men they didn’t know, as though this were the idea of what a locker room sounded like.


In the very least he is certainly the worst major-party candidate in generations. To pretend otherwise would be to understate the threat he poses to our country.


I suspect you are smart enough to realize that is nonsense. She’s already being attacked over her sex life even though there is no evidence she ever committed adultery.

If Hillary was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting hot married dudes we would now be in the midst of a slut shaming the likes of which this world has never seen.


Okay then. Who’s worse?


I take a “brimstone and treacle” view of Trump. I suspect he would be good for democracy in the US. I realize he is a train wreck of a person but I doubt he could actually do anything if elected. There are lots of checks and balances built into the system if only Congress would use them. President Trump might actually remind elected representatives that they are meant to do a job. I dont think he is a major threat, other than a threat of embarrassment. However I can see why most people dont want to have a total idiot like Trump elected town dog catcher let alone President and CiC.

I do wish the political parties would address the underlying reasons for US voter discontent rather than pretend voters dont have genuine grievances and are just racists. But I guess that will have to wait till there is a real threat to Democracy - like Ted Cruz.



Sadly these kind of comments will only gain him points from his base. He’s god-like to them. If he got caught giving head to the entire Vienna Boys Choir the response from his followers would endanger every prepubescent boy in America. His behavior has some kind of Teflon Quality to it


So sexual assault is tacky, but passing moral judgement on it, that’s out of line. Got it.


I kind of imagine it like this:


Well put. I think he’s a case study in “never admit defeat, never admit you’re wrong, never show any weakness”. Its amazing how well it works for him. Putin too of course.


You got me and Andrew Jackson was not a shining example of humanity but not that fucking vile. Hell even the racist shit Woodrow Wilson spouted was a product of the time he grew up in but Trump grew up in a much later supposedly better time definitely more informed time. What the fuck is his excuse?


Several women have explicitly accused Trump of just that.

“Ha ha, get it? It’s funny because I actually groped women without their consent.”


Great, there’s the story. And he even jokes about it.

But without that context this is all going to be too easily dismissed.

@beschizza, maybe tack a link to that case in the posting?


It’s still not a joke. Calling it a joke doesn’t make it one. It’s dangerous, sexist, abusive behavior and he’s bragging about it. Whether he did it or not is fundamentally immaterial. Attempting to normalize him bragging about sexually assaulting people by dismissing it as jokes is equally dangerous and destructive.


No not at all. Feel free to pass whatever judgment you like on it. I just thought it was an incorrect historical point. The US was a slave owning democracy which ran an apartheid system up the the late 60s - and you think Trump is an outlier for racism? Er ok.

For what little it is worth, I didnt think Trump was admitting to a series of sexual assault. I thought he was making a tasteless boast about what kind of behavior women permitted him to engage in. I also thought it was a lie, but what do I know? Maybe he is out there grabbing vaginas every weekend.


The thing about Drumpf is:

If you hear something bad about him, like something awful and shitty and illegal he’s done or tried to do.

You have a better than 50% chance of being correct if you just assume it’s true.

And that even without say this is a “post-fact” election.


Err . Ok you win.


If I had to bet, I’d go ahead and bet he did rape that 13yo. Just a hunch, which is all the tool goes by himself. Trump can go “consult” himself.