"Grab them by the pussy!" Trump was caught on hot mic boasting about what he did to women

Ah, the old “if you’re offended” non-apology, which basically means, I’m not actually sorry, because it’s really your fault that you’re offended.

Would you expect anything less from Trump?


“gotchas”? That’s a peculiar way to minimize. Someone bragging about sexual assault is in itself a very serious issue, even if there are other very serious issues. Trump has issued one apology from the campaign prior to the “apology” for this.


This was locker room banter,

I hope I’m never anywhere near that locker room.


Yeah. But apart from that.

Funnily enough I think you hit the nail on the head. If he wins he will be impeached or quit within a year.


Imagine having sex with Trump? That is the most disgusting thought I’ve had all day.


Overtly sexist
Overtly racist
Mass deportations
Religious registries
Loyalty tests
Racial profiling
Death penalty for innocent teens
Supported by all major white supremacist groups
Doesn’t pay taxes
Serial philanderer
Anti-LGBT rights (in 2016)
Openly admires fascists and dictators
Encouraged foreign powers to hack US intelligence servers to take down his opponent
Doesn’t understand why we shouldn’t use nuclear weapons

Those are just a few off the top of my head.

Yes, “most vile candidate in modern history.”


Who would you offer as an example of a more vile candidate specifically? Jackson? Andrew Johnson?


I’d be more likely to agree but for the fact that a Drumpf shit show happens about every other day. ANY story runs the strong risk of being overshadowed beside the latest dumpster-fire du jour that is the Trump campaign.


I’m afraid I disagree with vitrually everything you wrote, and don’t think your attempt to minimize the seriousness of this to win over supporters is at all realistic or constructive, but I can’t see any fruitful discourse on this one, so I’ll simply state that I couldn’t disagree more and leave it at that since your minimization of a clear and unambiguous case of someone bragging about sexual assault is not something I’d like to discuss.


THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: A recording of Hillary Clinton surfaces, in which she uses lewd and graphic language to recount one of the times she tried to seduce a much younger married man. She and her companions then laugh about grabbing hot guys by the cock.

“No biggie” or huge career-ending scandal??


It’s the mainstream media! If they would just stop talking about what a terrible candidate – and person – he is, he could actually win!


I haven’t read a single thing in any of his comments that have been reported on that could be construed as “a joke”, even a bad one. He’s bragging about being able to grab women’s privates and kiss them without consent (which is assault) because he’s “a star” and they “let you do it”. That’s not funny. That’s sick.

Edit: decided I needed to explain what “assault” means, just in case.


But he is such a fascinating train wreck of a person!


You need not go that far. Suppose Clinton had been married three times, kids from all three marriages. Can you imagine them all on stage with her after a debate? No. No you cannot.


I have never talked like that to anyone. Nor would I. I could maybe see two ten year old boys talking like that, but it even then would be false bravado to hide their actual insecurity, and exploring the power of forbidden words and speech.
If an adult talks like that, there is something wrong with him.


Sure. A fellow douchebag. Douchebags don’t get to be president (or shouldn’t at least – I heard Garfield was a real tool).


So I was going to suggest Andrew Jackson if you hadnt said modern.

But seriously, a decent number of Presidents in the modern era have committed most of these crimes. Its true that Trump is more comprehensive than most, but because he doesn’t have a legislative record he cant be guilty of passing racist laws or authoritizing wars of aggression, which to my mind are worse crimes than those listed. I dont really care how many wives and girlfriends he has had. If I did I would probably have a problem with Bill.

Generally I care about the crap policies he suggests. The rest of it is pretty much standard for a 19th or 20th century US presidential candidate.

Cant you just make do with him being a very crap candidate - does he have to be the worst ever in the history of the world?



Getting on them like a bitch (like in one’s face). Kissing without asking.
Grabbing the vulva.

I consider myself squarely in the “sex positive” camp - and I would definitely categorize these actions as sexual assault.
Meaning, Trump rationalizes his behavior, chalking it up to actual or percieved permissiveness and loose behavior on the part of his victims (as many predators do), but it still doesn’t make it okay to do these things.

Edited for semantic conciseness and agreement of logic. Thanks, @awfulhorrid


Yeah you have - if you have talked to a US policeman.

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Is it sad that it still took me a few seconds after the swastika part to clue into the fact that this is fake?