Gregory Cheadle, Trump's 'my African American,' is fed up with Donald and leaving Republican party

See Stephen in Django Unchained. I don’t get it either.

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I wish I had time to find the article now, but I once read a compelling argument positing that engineering-types are perhaps some of the most adept people at constructing alternate realities to exist within. Something about approaching their own somewhat mysterious human psyche with the same certainty as they would approach a technical problem. I know this occurs because I’m one of those types and I constantly have to guard against the notion that my rational brain is always steering this meat puppet.


The gif I posted is from a Herman Cain video… but Hot Chip is always awesome.


I strongly doubt it. Trump is a narcissist. His supporters are narcissists. The Narcissist Party platform consists of two main planks:

  1. Government should narrowly serve people who are Me.
  2. Government should ruthlessly screw people who are not Me.

Cheadle is still a narcissist. He’s just finally noticed who benefits from Trump’s policies and is distressed that it isn’t Me. He’ll vote for the next Narcissist Party candidate who sucks up to him for his vote.


Hey now, some of us are late bloomers.

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True. There’s benefit in being a Judas Goat but it’s never as much as the goat thinks there will be. After all, it’s not like the other republicans will ever really think you’re one of them,


Is this the guy?


I think you mean grit and sack-cloth.


Totally off topic, but in this case “effect” would be correct. “Affect” as a noun refers to … the evidence of emotions on one’s face would be one way of describing it. As a verb it has almost the same meaning as the noun “effect” and not too dissimilar meaning to the verb “effect”.


Oh, they’re still coming. It’s just, ya know, they never clear the bank.


Few people have the ability to admit error. This is reviewed in Being Wrong by Kathryn Shulz.

The bigger the mistake, the more people will not admit it, especially when it comes to criminal and moral failings. Look up “We think the price was worth it”, Madeleine Albright, and the background of what is behind that quote. When it comes to matters of war and peace, most adult USAns fit in the categories of actively participating in approving war crimes, or negligent in not objecting. By most, I do not merely mean greater than 50% of eligible voters, but well in excess of 90%, according to recorded election results.

Uncle Ruckus is Jesse Lee Peterson in every way imaginable. It’s hard to even do a parody through exaggeration when Jesse Lee Peterson is already extreme himself.

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“Do be stupid, don’t be a smarty. Come and join the Narcissist party”


Because you really trust that guy’s judgement?
There are plenty of us strange “genii” that aren’t delusional.
Shouldn’t he install Red mAgaHat ® Enterprise Linux®?

He should send in his application to be Trump’s new Black Friend. They’re so desperate to make it look like they have non-white supporters that they’re just photoshopping Trump hats on people’s profile pictures now.


Actually the guy I mentioned earlier not only blew me off, and cost me a $200 copy of Windows 10 that does not get 3D Graphics acceleration as a guest OS in VirtualBox for Fusion360 that I cannot return, but I finally found out what an enormous dick he actually is.

At this point everyone I have ever met that supports Trump is a proven asshole

It looks like my local Linux users group no longer exists and I have no idea how to find Linux people in my city even though I’m sure they’re here.


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