Gun nut mom's rampage was to punish her husband

(also, in the comments, someone agrees and someone else replies to them and calls them “not white” because they have an italian name…so… yeah)


Called it.


Where is the part where she spreads positivity?

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But haven’t we been told that Italians have always been white in the U.S.? :wink:


Holy fucksocks… I so hope that lunatic is trolling.


What?! I hope that was tongue in cheek? Please tell us that was tongue in cheek or we’re going to be backing away slowly from the crazy lady with the serious chip on her shoulder …

That’s what happens when narcissistic idiots with a borderline personality disorder have access to firearms. Nothing more.

(Yes, it was a remote diagnosis drawn from limited facts. And a little outside my real area of expertise. But I’d put money on her having a high Dark Triad score if she was ever tested).

I’ve read a bunch of posts on that blog, and I’m still on the fence.

She’s either completely sincere and has bought into the racism, sexism, and homophobia that she’s been taught… or she’s an epic-level trolley. Like, could teach driving trollies on a postgraduate level.


Holy fucksocks indeed, I can’t find better words than @Melizmatic. The thing I found persuasive that it was utterly sincere was the religion. You can believe any, any bullshit if you bring religion into it.

In re the quote race mixing unquote, I can’t help thinking of Bulworth.

All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep fuckin’ everybody 'til they’re all the same color.


If we don’t self destruct first, eventually humans are all likely going to end up being some indeterminate shade of beige, with an occasional mutation or throwback.

Maybe, but people of different races and ethnicities have been hooking up in Brazil for something like 500 years now and there is still an awful lot of variation in features among Brazilian people.

I suspect racial/ethnic variation is going to be around for a long, long time. (Which is fine by me, it makes for a more interesting world that way anyway.)


Fair point, but I was thinking of a much more significant chunk of time, like several hundred thousand years.

Kinda like how the Eloi were represented in the 2002 version of the Time Machine which was set about 800,000 years into the future, IIRC.

Of course again, that’s entirely dependent upon our society not imploding or going into extinction before then.

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She even has music reviews mixed in with the crazy.

It’s like American Psycho.


Oh jeez… I am going to need more booze to deal with the fucked upness of that.


Beautiful women don’t look like they’re made of plastic.


your questions are answered

Please stop linking that inhumane psycho-bitch’s crap; it only encourages her.


I really wish this wasn’t so useful.


Nah; the facedesk needs to be on anabolic steroids for this level of sheer fuckery.


So I’ve heard… not all racists think alike apparently! :wink:

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Well, yeah… there is a big problem in our society about women being devalued… even by other women. If this was indeed, her attempt to “punish” her husband by murdering her daughters in front of him, I think that speaks to her value of her children, who were young women.

She might indeed have borderline personality disorder, too, but since neither of us know this woman, I’m not sure it’s fair to decide that. That also doesn’t leave out a bit of sexist thinking towards her daughters as well, though.

And I don’t really appreciate being called “crazy” thanks. You don’t have to agree, but there isn’t really a need for name calling.