Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/08/26/gun-rights-advocate-fantasizes.html
It certainly appears that Toni Loren got ahold of the LuLaRoe designer’s number.
If you feel a pressing need to remain heavily armed while you practice yoga then maybe yoga isn’t your thing?
The “right to bare arms” pun was right there for the taking with the outfits in her video. But Tomi is another one of those right-wing nitwits who doesn’t seem to hear whatever nonsense she’s spouting.
This is Tomi Lahren. She’s not so much a ‘gun rights advocate’ as an airheaded nincompoop whose entire career to this point has involved being on Fox News and saying whatever horrid, inane, bigoted, terrible thing comes up on her teleprompter. She’s without any moral values, intelligence, experience in the real world or basic decency. Just ignore her.
The only proper way to carry a handgun while in yoga pants is a shoulder holster.
Interesting distinction.
I think most women would agree that they should be.
If you feel a pressing need to remain heavily armed while you practice yoga then maybe yoga isn’t your thing?
Namaste, bitches!
Freedom Pockets™
I always thought that story about Rick Perry shooting a coyote while jogging was batshit crazy. Who carries a gun jogging? He was governor of Texas at the time, didn’t he have a professional security detail? Would he really take a life to protect, like, a first gen iPod nano? Why is this doofus ok popping off rounds in a neighborhood at 6am?
Anyway, jokes on me, he was a fashion pioneer.
Another one off the production line.
I believe they will vote with their dollar here and need no help from us.
Where are they supposed to carry their dollars without pockets??
I think she is making some serious points about the lack of freedom in pocket choices. Pocketism is a terrible blight on our society today. People should have the freedom to choose their pocket types and what they put in said pockets. Anything less than that is an affront to the constitution, our rights as citizens, and what the founding fathers stood for.
What’s going on here? Marketing, that’s what. It’s like these “Christian” clothing lines, a gimmick to get people to buy your product. Because NOT buying “Active Faith” sportswear must mean you’ve rejected Jesus.
Nobody with a lick of sense is going to carry a gun in that flimsy pocket “holster”, you’re just asking for it to fall out. She knows it, and says so, “freedom” is just a marketing ploy-- do you like freedom? Then buy my crappy clothes!
Every time I see her speak, I can’t help but think that she is what happened when a brainless “RealDoll” got accidentally electrocuted to life.