Gunfighters lament a lonely lifestyle


Bruce Dern
Karl Malden
Eli Wallach
John Cassavettes
George C. Scott
Richard Attenborough
Jane Fonda
Vanessa Redgrave
Julie Christie
Catherine Deneuve
Ellen Burstyn
Anne Bancroft
Earnest Borgnine
Robert Duvall
Marlon Brando
Ingrid Bergman
Robert Redford
Lauren Bacall
Ava Gardner

boingboingers lament a lonely lifestyle :stuck_out_tongue:
The remake was fine, it had some fun parts, but you’re all clutching your Mag7 pearls. If the question is which is better is that really up for discussion?

I didn’t get into this business to have any relationships.
I don’t wanna join your goddamn union, all right?
Loner. Lone gunman. Get it?
That’s the whole point.
I like the lifestyle, the image.
Look at the way I dress.
Become a cop or something.
Have coffee in the morning with friends.
Look, this is a one-on-one business.
The minute you start relationships, bad things start happening.

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Vaughn also was in one episode of Tatort, of all things, playing a Colonel retired from French military intelligence.

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It’s hard not to notice Moses looks progressively worse, while Rameses only gets better with age. :drooling_face:


Why not just cut to the chase and make The Magnificent 7even Brides of Frankenstein for 7even Brother Samurai Beyond A Star is Born Free?


I thought the original Magnificent Seven was a pretty serious self-examination of toxic masculinity as the gunfighter’s arithmetic scene indicates. There’s also the speech Charles Bronson gives to the young boys who idolize him about the courage of their fathers.

It does not, however, pass the Bechdel test.


In my mind, not really. Like the endless loop of war movies Hollywood churns out that really/not really glorify war. (War is bad, but not in our particular set of circumstances).


Some people call me the space cowboy yeah

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Pee Wee Herman : You don’t wanna get mixed up with a guy like me. I’m a loner, Dottie. A rebel.


I tend to think anything with Denzel Washington is worth watching. I’d watch him read the phone book. That said, the remake was unnecessary, though I’m sure many felt the same about the original.

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