Originally published at: Ha! Erie Mayor thinks he can get Trump — who stiffed him in 2018 — to pay in advance this time, ahead of rally | Boing Boing
Clearly, they’re not getting anything.
They’re going to try, see if just maybe it’s possible they could get paid up front. There’s 0% chace that works.
If they really want to be paid, collect the past debt and the current projected costs ahead of time. Otherwise, close the roads and don’t let the event take place. That would solve the security problem for the cheap. Estimate high and refend whatever isn’t used as extra. Not that they’ll do this.
I take it back, they’ll be getting something. Twice as much (or more) in unpaid debt.
Grifter who is notorious for not paying his contractors and forcing them to sue to get paid is stiffing a city? UNPOSSIBLE! /sarcasm
I would have denied the permits or permission to hold the rally until he’s paid up from the last time at the very least; then pre-paid for the requested rally. And not issue the permits until the check clears.
I’ve been aware for more than 20 years that Biff doesn’t pay his debts. What’s this mayor’s excuse for thinking otherwise in 2023?
Asking for payment in advance is smart if you’re willing to cancel the rally if he doesn’t pay. Is Schember? Because it doesn’t do anything otherwise.
45 doesn’t even have the ethics of a Lannister, for fuck’s sake; even despite all his similarities to Joffrey (if Joffrey had been able to make it to such an old age.)
They shouldn’t have issued a permit for the rally in the first place if he still hasn’t paid them for the last time.
If only someone had put 45 in check while he was still young…
Instead he had another notorious deadbeat, Roy Cohn, as his mentor. It’s the bully’s idea of being financially smart.
Shoulda just doubled the up front fee, and that way make back what they were stiffed.
Assuming he doesn’t just cancel and change the venue to Altoona.
That’s like killing baby Hitler right?
They should have given Trump a private tour of the Erie Courthouse catacombs, where they keep the amontillado.
That should be a charge of $35,129 for this weekend’s event with a $35,129 processing fee.
Whoa, slow down, it’s not like they’re Ticketmaster or something.
Maybe like the Freedom Kids he’ll get stiffed and later turn around and let Biden have the event instead. For free.
Ah, I’ve had this discussion before.
My own argument in a nutshell:
You don’t kill Hitler as a baby; you kidnap him, then raise him in a loving, supportive environment while keeping tight surveillance on his behavior. If he never shows any signs of becoming a psychotic monster, then he gets to out live an unremarkable life and the whole world gets a completely different timeline.
However, if he still shows signs of evil, then you have an obligation to put his ass down immediately, the first time he tortures a fuckin’ puppy… and then whole world gets a completely different timeline, though in a different direction.
Now, needless to say, that particular theoretical exercise is predicated upon extreme personal commitment to the mission; supposing that time travel were actually a reality, then one goes into it knowing that they will never return to their own timeline, because it will no longer exist.
That person must be at peace with living out the rest of their existence in an altered past, raising ‘Schrodinger’s Psychopath’ to the best of their ability.
Further, they must commit to the possibility of still having to kill a slightly older Hitler/45, should all their Herculean efforts at prevention fail.
And then there’s the last major consideration that person must take into account; even if one could prevent the advent of this reality’s Hitler and the Holocaust, there’s still no guarantee that another monster would not have arisen in their absence.
I don’t understand how he can just not pay. Doesn’t that debt get sent to collections who harass and/or sue him until they recover the money? We have a whole industry for recovering bad debts. I don’t understand why it doesn’t kick in here.
That is a movie I would watch.