Happy Independence Day

It’s not just you. I haven’t slept properly since about June 10th, and last night barely slept at all. There’ve been articles about the tripling of noise complaints. Apparently the fireworks manufacturers and wholesalers had a bunch of supply from all the cancelled shows, and sold them retail at wholesale prices.

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The Fourth of July. Or, as the Brits call it, “the day we got rid of those troublesome colonials.”


Nope. In that picture, Northern Ireland should be bow-legged, low-browed, snaggle-toothed and dragging its knuckles, trying to cosy up to England who is trying hard to distance itself. Wales and Scotland should be looking daggers at England. Usa should be bigger than England and looking down with amusement.

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Teaching of history is an emotive subject - The teaching behind the “National Story” doubly so.

Is it universal that The War of Independence is taught (in the US) as being waged due to “Taxation without representation” - despite that not meaning ANYTHING like universal suffrage.

Are the pressures the land owners brought to bare because of restrictions on westward expansion (Proclamation of 1763) part of the narrative - or that representation was just for land owning white men?

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