Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

What did I cook with my squash? An easy and very satisfying Fall/Winter dish.

Quinoa and Squash

1 c. quinoa, rinsed and drained
1 c. orange juice
¾ c. water
½ teaspoon salt
1 medium-to-large onion, chopped
Peeled and cubed raw butternut squash, about 2-3 cups

Method 1:
Mix all ingredients together and put in a greased covered casserole dish.
Bake covered at about 350 F until done and a little browned—1 to 1 ½ hours.
Watch near the end that it doesn’t scorch. You may need to add a little water near the end if it seems dry.


Method 2:
Cook the quinoa with the orange juice, water, and salt (I use my rice cooker).
Meanwhile, cook the squash in the microwave until done (just the squash, don’t add any water).
Also meanwhile, fry the onion in some oil until soft and nicely browned.
Gently mix everything together.

One of my favorite dishes. Tasty, and easy to make.

I overcooked it a bit this time, but you get the idea.