Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Uh oh, we have a size issue.

Thought the overhanging edges might burn. Came out good, though! Football Pizza (so-named for the shape). Minneapolis, MN. I worked near their original location when it was still called Crescent Moon Bakery. Was happy to learn that my co-op is selling some of their frozen pizzas!



ok, here it is - Marmite spaghetti!:

very savory. as expected, with all that butter, it tastes like buttery toast with marmite. the toasted breadcrumbs on top really drive that home.
i opted for red pepper flakes on top. what can i say? i’m a pepperhead!
will make again :+1:t2:


I’m glad you like it, ‘cause you can have all of mine!


Crossposting bc synergy - the latest recipe on Yeung Man Cooking’s channel is a delicious looking peanut noodle dish:

He also has a hot oil recipe that I’m intrigued by, and it made me think of you.


Pumpkin pancakes


When I was stationed in Texas there was a sergeant that had two 55 gallon oil drums welded together and cut in half to make a big grill/smoker mounted on wheels.
As far as I know all he did is cook for anyone on base.
The brisket he cooked was the best beef I have ever had.


Yes! These are in my near future.:pancakes:


Oxtail stew. I cooked it for about 6 hours. Probably too much! It was soooooo rich and tasty. A lot of wine in this.

And while I’m at it and the oven was on I made ratatouille bake - topped with translucent slices of potato and mozzarella - recipe called for Parmesan but I wanted more cheese.


You really can’t go wrong with more cheese.


Colin Jost Shrug GIF by Saturday Night Live


game of thrones khaleesi GIF


Great post here today:



Today I made a fish pie. Smoked coly poached in milk with salmon and hake added later. Milk used to expand the roux (which had a fair amount of white wine in it) of rice flour and butter into a white sauce. I think I added a goodly pile of finely chopped leek in there before it was cooked . Generously poured over the broken up fish (skins and all, seriously, even if you don’t typically eat fish skin) covered with a layer of peas to support the mash from yesterday (kerrs pinks, cut but not peeled, cooked and dry, broken up with a knife so that the skins get broken up while mixing in the butter and white pepper). Bung in oven.

Do try mash with the skins on. It’s much better tasting.


yes, please!!!
i, for one, never peel potatoes.
your fish pie sounds delightful!


I for two!

No wait, I do sometimes roast potatoes with skin off but not in many months.


is there a reason for that? esthetic? i would think whole, baby reds would be good in the sunday roast, but may be just a personal preference.
fish skins are good, too. i cook a lot of the fish we catch entero and, while not to the mum’s liking, i will nibble on the skins. that’s where you get the omega3 oil.


Yes, a fluffy boiled potato takes on more of the salty greasy crust than one with the skin on. I do like Mediterranean roast baby spuds tossed in garlic and rosemary but for a roast dinner I think dry, peeled potatoes tossed in a hot roasting tin of appropriate rendered fat is hard to beat.

I’m making poke bowls tomorrow with tuna. Any suggestions from your vast repertoire of fish recipes?

Just shared a snack of pao de queijo. Would have been perfect to serve a dollop of our home made sriracha on but we ran out and the second (much larger) batch is only starting to ferment.
Fermented chilli suggestions gratefully accepted. I don’t currently have home grown ones. I did used to pickle some from a plant that I never knew what kind it produced. Used them for pounded salads.


i have tried many recipes for fermented chili sauces, but have come to this conclusion that i am sticking with:
simple fermentation of the peppers alone. at this moment, i have two, 2liter salt crocks bubbling away with about 3kg of chilies in each. one is habanero, the other my red and green chiles. the peppers are chopped in the food processor and mixed with three percent salt by weight, covered with plastic wrap and ceramic weights placed on top to keep it all submerged. THEN the resulting fermented chili paste gets additional ingredients - mango pulp and onion for the habs; garlic, onion, tomato and carrot juice for the chilies. blend and strain into jars or bottles. check the pH. add vinegar to adjust pH to below 4 (i shoot for 3.6) while it can stay out for a day or two at that pH, i always keep the bottles in a refrigerator. i will also add tequila or rum to some of the sauces for a flavoring.
i found that if i try to ferment all the ingredients together, it is far too unpredictable and often leads to mold (and possible botulinum in the case of tomato).

for poke, you can’t go wrong with the packets of Noh brand poke seasoning tha @kentkb turned us on to somewhere upthread. the ogo seaweed is a must, the chili salt as well. i add fresh red chilies and green onion and a splash of ponzu to mine. we luvs our poke and it is exceptional when we have fresh blackfin we or a friend catch!


Thanks for the Poke mix shout out.:raised_hands:t2:
But you really had me at: “… i will also add tequila or rum to some of the sauces for a flavoring.”
Whoop! and Cheers!