Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Fill it with stew, call it a trencher.


Thatā€™s an idea. I would definitely eat it myself, rather than giving it to the poor. I donā€™t think that would go over too well today. Nor should it.


Flour is cheap. I didnā€™t forget to pull this one out of the oven.


Happy Season 3 GIF by The Simpsons


Looks a bit undercooked, but Iā€™d eat that.


It is definitely not undercooked. I promise.


Letā€™s see a pic of it sliced. Iā€™m not taking any chances here.


Will do. As soon as it cools off. Give it about an hour.


Not my best, but pretty good. Iā€™m experimenting a little. I mixed the dough yesterday, did one stretch and fold with it, and then covered it and stuck it in the fridge for about 18 hours. Then I formed it into a boule and let it proof for about 2 hours before baking. Iā€™m a lazy baker. I prefer to let time do the work instead of my hands.

ETA: Also, just for the record, I actually prefer soft bread, at least on the inside. A little crusty on the outside is fine, but I donā€™t want to break my teeth, and I have kind of brittle teeth. I once chipped a tooth on a potato chip. Anyway, I used to buy Sara Lee Whole Grain White bread all the time. I figured whole grain white was better than regular white. Then a half eaten loaf somehow got hidden behind some other stuff in my pantry. I found it three months later. It was still soft and had not molded, and it honestly freaked me out. Bread shouldnā€™t do that. It really shouldnā€™t. I had just gotten a brand new dutch oven, and I had been meaning to try out these no knead bread recipes, so that was the push I needed to do it. That was in January. I havenā€™t bought bread since. Making that loaf you see above takes maybe 15-30 minutes of actual labor on my part. Itā€™s shockingly easy. And the same basic method can be used to make rye bread, whole wheat bread, even cranberry walnut bread, all of which Iā€™ve made. I would like to master sourdough, but, again, Iā€™m kinda lazy. And sourdough starter requires some work to get going. Some day Iā€™ll do it.

ETA pt. 2: Interestingly, about 3 months after I started baking bread, I discovered that my brother has been baking bread for about a year, and he started doing it for the same reason I did. He started getting concerned about what all went into store bought bread to preserve it for so long. And then I found out my mom started making bread again a couple of years ago. She baked a lot when we were little, but not much after she went back to work. Anyway, bread baking seems to be in the genes.


I believe I made Dwarf bread once. Forgot to put the stirring paddle thingy in my breadmaker. Resulting ā€œbreadā€ had to be chipped out of the pan. Not good times.


Last year I found an opened pack of store bought flour tortillas (yes, I knowā€¦) with a ā€œsell byā€ date from over a year hidden in a basket I usually use for serving :woman_shrugging:
Thatā€™s just not right.

Other than being slightly stiff, they looked like the day I bought them. No, I did not try them, but I also didnā€™t notice any dead squirrels after I tossed them into the yard.


Yes, but have you noticed any squirrels which should be dead, but arenā€™t?


Tried a new method of roasting chicken-marinating it in seasoned mayonnaise, then cooking it at a high heat. The chicken was tender and juicy, but not much of the lemon-pepper flavoring came through. Maybe a longer marinade, this only got about 2 hours. I have extra of the mayo that Iā€™m going to apply to some pork chops. It could probably use a bit more acid to aid in penetration.
Itā€™s nice to be home and cooking a bit.


Bing image creator is freaking useless now. ā€œZombie Squirrelā€ is blocked content.


I sympathize. I am terrible at baking anything but pizza. I have tried to make focaccia several times, since it is very similar to the Detroit-style pizza I make from scratch.

My best result would be described as ā€œshipā€™s biscuit.ā€





What are peopleā€™s recommendations for some sandwich bread recipes? Any good links for that?


I like using my no knead white bread you see above for sandwiches, but if you mean more of a square shaped sandwich loaf, I like Jonathan Weissmanā€™s recipe. Iā€™ve made that before.


Cool! Thanks, Iā€™ll check it outā€¦ thatā€™s what I was thinking of yeah, a sandwich loaf! I just got some roast beef at the farmerā€™s market, so wanted some good bread to go with it.


I use the method from here:

with these ingredients: