Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

You should get out more!



My hometownā€™s signature cuisine is sausage soup! Cheap sausages too. Not some fancy deli thing.

Yeah, weā€™re classy.


Hey, my second favorite soup is cabbage soup, which I typically make with store bought, packaged sauerkraut and Hillshire Farms kielbasa. Itā€™s not exactly highbrow. If Iā€™m trying to get fancy, Iā€™ll add some fresh cabbage and bacon. Damn, now I want cabbage soup, and I donā€™t have any of that in the house, and itā€™s snowing. Oh well. Iā€™ll make chili instead.


I made a vanilla cake from a USIan recipe to bring into the office for my birthday and it was very good, but sooo sweet. I think to reach German levels of sugar use in cakes cutting the amount in half wouldnā€™t even suffice.


Seems like a cross between currywurst and wĆ¼rstchengulasch.

Only using horrible raw materials.


I donā€™t know if you all saw Gordon Ramseyā€™s pathetic attempt, and fail, to make a grilled cheese sandwich a couple years ago, but he just attempted a redemption video! Can he do better this time? (Iā€™ll save you the stress of wonderingā€¦he cannot)


His beer-battered fish and chips recipe is my go-to, but even GR has his limits!


This is so f*ing sad! He doesnā€™t show it, but you know that sandwich is just charred on the bottom. Why does he lose his mind when it comes to making something so simple? And why does his table have ā€œIdiotā€ emblazoned in neon? Am I being punked?

ETA: Ramsay did a show in the Keweenaw Peninsula, where I come from, and I will always treasure him for it. But also, grilled cheese is my favorite and I am so sad right now.


I think he tended to call contestants on Hellā€™s Kitchen ā€œidiotā€ a lot, so I suspect thatā€™s a branding thing? Or itā€™s possible this is his version of a shit post. I donā€™t know. But yeah, the sandwich was charred, if not burnt, on one side, the cheese, once again, did not melt, and thatā€™s not a grilled cheese sandwich anyway. Itā€™s a braised short rib sandwich with cheese and a jalapeno chutney. Someone needs to make him a basic grilled cheese with Wonder bread and Kraft singles, and say, ā€œHere, Gordon. This is the grilled cheese sandwich everyone grew up with. This is your baseline. You can improve on it by using better bread and actual cheese, but this defines the sandwich.ā€ He keeps wanting to use thick slices of dense country style bread. You canā€™t do that because it acts as an insulator, and the heat never reaches the cheese. If you use that kind of bread, you have to slice it thin. If you use thicker slices, it canā€™t be dense bread, so that you can smash it thin on the grill or griddle. And you have to use cheeses that melt easily. The Gouda might be ok, depending on the specific cheese, but aged cheddar melts for shit. I like to use an American Muenster. It melts if you breathe on it.


I havenā€™t seen him in years, because being a dick is his brand, but Iā€™m pretty sure his tastebuds are fried from all the years of coke and booze.


At this point, do I even have to say it?


My ā€˜hackā€™, as I use multi-grain bread for sandwiches, is to cover the pan. That gets the heat everywhere, while still browning the bottom.


I was just going to say the same thing. I think @danimagoo is right and he needs to get back to the basics first, though, and then maybe work up to thick bread and a lid.

Youā€™re not making grilled cheese in the air fryer, are you??


I have done that, but I have an ā€œair fryer ovenā€, which is really just a countertop convection oven. It actually makes a decent grilled cheese.


Jesus christ, we need that puke emojiā€¦



I use a George Foreman grill that gets the top and bottom of the sandwich at the same time. A quick brush with olive oil on the bread, put the sandwich in the grill, close and give it a squeeze and itā€™s done in a few minutes. Itā€™s a lot like a panini, but with grill lines across the bread.


I made a german red cabbage dish loosely using this recipe. Red cabbage and apples were from the garden. It turned out well. Paired with ham and my personal take on potatoes au gratin. Washed down with a homebrew Belgian golden ale.


Looks delish. But thatā€™s Wiener Soup. Reported. :grin:


Can you explain that to me? I donā€™t know any distinction/definition.


His claim that those large chunks of ginger will ā€œdisintegrateā€ while cooking has me questioning a lot. Have I been getting bogus ginger root all these years? It never disintegrates.
I is so confused.