Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Oh man! The smokery I used to go too was up in Bodega Bay ( the Birds! ) I used to get smoked surf fish advertised as ‘ Beer Fish’.


This had amazing flavor but was a bit soft. It may have been the part of the fish I was eating - my partner said theirs was firm. I did give her the one with minimal bones, so it might have been the difference between fillets and belly.


Whaaaat? I just did the “microwave popcorn in a paper bag” thing for the first time because it was mentioned here earlier when I saw that weird silicon bowl gift idea. And I’m procrastinating, but that’s a story for a later date.
How did I not know about this until now? Or how easy it is?
I mixed a 1/4 C kernels, a bit of oil and some salt, poured it into a paper bag, folded it over and nuked for 2 minutes.
Kind of makes me wonder how the pre-packaged microwave popcorn even became a thing.
@FloridaManJefe - I discounted you before (I didn’t tell you, but I did :wink: ), but you’re totally right! There is a much tooth-stickier feel to the air-popped stuff. Science oven for the win. So glad I’ve saved all these paper bags over the years.


Just in time for shabbos dinner-


I gifted that to a friend and they love it. It’s particulaly good when they are adding flavoring to the popcorn. They like to add nutritional yeast and a little olive oil, and the silicon bowl thing does the job.

Disclaimer: I don’t like popcorn, so this info is second-hand.


I use an old of name hand crank top of stove popper.

I think called ‘Theater Time’?
I use 1/2 avocado oil and 1/2 ghee.
With a Alton Brown hack of adding salt to the kernels before pop.
I also add the butter and or any yeast or chile flavoring just after heat is turned off and continue cranking. This allows the flavors a good coating.
Happy Food GIF by Regal


We have one of those and still use it. That gets used when popcorn is desired as an experience.

The reason for the silicone style is “can’t be bothered to clean the big one” occasions.

Movie Popcorn GIF by Angry Birds


posts brian GIF

The reason I like the paper bag thing is because it’s an opportunity to get rid of an appliance. I poured it into a bowl to add other stuff, I’m also a huge fan of the nutritional yeast. My fave is: melt a little butter with some olive oil and a few shakes of soy sauce, pour that over then dust with nutritional yeast.





Dutch baby is popular with my fam. Have been swapping out flour for non wheat flours, it seems to need some gluten to poof up, but it can take about half oat flour or buckwheat without compromising taste. Topped with cherry berry compote.


Dutch baby is my favorite form of pancake!


Oh man! I been wanting to make this. Cheers!


I’d never even heard of these. Thank you so much for posting. I grabbed a recipe from online, but do you mind sharing yours, and technique?

Gonna be making these the day after Mardi Gras Ball. They seem like a perfect “next morning,” breakfast.


Banana Cakes with berries heated in maple syrup. I’ve been dreaming ( really) since New Years of this breakfast. Franks Red Mill mix plus a very ready banana.
OMGoodness I love these.


This is the one I used this morning, though I’ve used a bunch.Dutch Baby Pancake | SweetRevelations

I melt the butter in the pan in the oven,
I tilt the pan to evenly coat the bottom, as well as the sides, as it’s going to puff and ideally climb up the walls a bit.

I bake them at 450, for about 10-15 minutes, I eyeball it through the window to make sure it’s puffed up, and then bake for another 15 at 325 until it’s an attractive shade of brown. I’ve also done it in my toaster oven, I have a 9 in cast iron pan with no handle that fits in there.

I did that recipe today as I felt five eggs was good for three people.

I’ve also done the NYT one, though I use a bit less butter.

Once it didn’t rise, and someone online said that sifting helps, I don’t know if that’s true, but when sifting I haven’t had a failure to rise, though I have often not sifted and had no problems either. I whisk my batter by hand, some recipes call for using a blender.

I prefer a pinch up to a teaspoon of cinnamon, instead of the nutmeg.

I’ve done some that incorporated apple, and berries into the batter, they’re a bit less puffy, so I tend to do fruit as a topping. There’s savory variations, I haven’t tried any yet. Sometimes we just do powdered sugar, or maple syrup.

As noted, I’ve done them with different flours, as well as almond milk instead of milk, without much change in taste.

When they’re done, I cut them into halves or thirds or quarters with a pair of scissors. If you’re cooking for somebody else, show it to them while it’s inflated, as sometimes they deflate by the time they’re on the plate.

They are pretty easy, and kind of magic. They taste like vacation and weekends.


Bob has a competitor now? Or is that the pancake mix that comes with the hot sauce already mixed in?


Frank’s “hot” sauce.


Lamb, with sage-simmered butter and Worcestershire sauce; cabbage roasted with a vinaigrette; noodles Leftovercheese-fredo.

ETA: Parmesan, blue, a tiny bit of Jack, and Gorgonzola.


So, banana instead of egg/milk?