Good. Hound these ghastly bigoted fucks off the internet.
Whoever is doing this is unleashing a massive DDoS campaign against all the CDNs that work with Kiwi Farms.
Does Fastly have a white supremacist CEO? How about Akamai? Because doing business with Matthew Prince is a bit of a bad look.
I was going to post a GIF of Grumpy Cat saying “good”, but this one’s so much better…
It’s hilarious that he refers to the CBC as “the government’s state funded media company” in an attempt to make it sound as “evil” and “Soviet” as possible.
In actual fact it’s a pretty standard public/private hybrid corporation. The largest portion of their revenue is from taxpayers, but they also have subscriptions, ad revenue, and various other sources.
It’s become a right wing conspiracy talking point in Canada that the CBC is evil and nobody watches it because it just says whatever the government wants (based on zero evidence of course). I’ve had this argument with my dad, but as well know, that end of the spectrum is immune to facts these days so the conversation went nowhere.
In the dying days of the Harper caretaker government, as well as absolving the Catholic Church of any financial responsibility for anything including residential schools, he loaded up the CBC with as many partisan appointments as he could. Even appointments that wouldn’t begin until after the new Liberal government was sworn in.
I think all the fixed term ones have timed-out, but there’s probably still a few here and there.
It’s a global problem
Even that term “state media” you used is really loaded, honestly. It’s public media. It’s our media. It’s media without a profit motive to distort reporting.
No sense giving them ammunition.
He probably wants to live in a world of abstract categories as that would somehow absolve himself of complicity in so many deaths.
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