Whence the three adversaries confronted by Anti-Oedipus. Three adversaries who do not have the same strength, who represent varying degrees of danger, and whom the book combats in different ways:
The political ascetics, the sad militants, the terrorists of theory, those who would preserve the pure order of politics and political discourse. Bureaucrats of the revolution and civil servants of Truth.
The poor technicians of desire—psychoanalysts and semiologists of every sign and symptom—who would subjugate the multiplicity of desire to the twofold law of structure and lack.
Last but not least, the major enemy, the strategic adversary is fascism (whereas Anti-Oedipus’ opposition to the others is more of a tactical engagement). And not only historical fascism, the fascism of Hitler and Mussolini—which was able to mobilize and use the desire of the masses so effectively—but also the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.
Or the info is fake. Domain registration info is user-entered and while it’s supposed to be accurate, nobody enforces it. I have two domains and get an email once a year asking me to make sure the info is accurate. That’s it. Nobody checks. Have I protected myself in that info? Better believe it. It’s way too easy to get that.
No, because nobody knew what law enforcement was needed for a long time. Before the owner got revealed, cloudflare wouldn’t even tell people where he lived so it was unclear what jurisdiction applied to him and thus, what law enforcement was allowed to ask for information. Or what courts would be needed in what countries to get that information. Their attitude changed only when that information was found out through other means.
CLOUDFLARE: Well, there’s also the tax write-off we get from the donation, too.
My tiny little domain (which I use for email and hosting pictures I’ve taken/created) had fake information in the registration, and has had fake information in there pretty much since it’s inception in 2000, because spammers. There used to be a fairly well understood sort of chain of command regarding domains and whatnot, but that more or less died on the vine after 2002 or so.
Spammers have destroyed all of this infrastructure. You’re supposed to have a hostmaster@ address and postmaster@ addresses that work for any domain out there, for issues that might arise, as well as abuse@. Guess what? Spammers spam the CRAP out of those addresses.
Spam is a special level of hell. Nearly no cost for the spammer, but massive burden on the recipients and their mailhosts. And toss in the phishers and scammers, who also have nearly 0 cost to do their thing, and you have a bunch of asshats with no accountability or expense who destroyed the reliability and safety of a critical internet medium.
Good - except, I DO hope that someone is keeping an archive of this shit. So much of this harassment is happening online, that I’m afraid that future historians will very much miss how bad it was if all of this stuff just disappears down the memory hole.
Probably Internet Archive still has the info, it’s just not publicly accessible. Of course, I don’t know that they’re making a point of making it available to future historians.
No doubt, but I doubt a historian today would be focusing on this now, except as an end point, as it’s still in the process of happening. Now, lots of sociologists, lit crit types, and communications folks are probably focusing on this now, but lots of historians of LGBQT+ history are going to be looking further back at this point…
Huh! That has me thinking. If it’s a “brave new world” in that, for the first time in history, this sort of information is available to anyone who wants to request it via the IA. I wonder, for example, how easy it is to get gruesome details of WWII-era atrocities or war crimes that occurred in the pre-internet era, except by going to the universities/organizations cataloguing that information for future historians? Or has john Q Public always been able to get the worst of the worst if they wanted to, for unspecified use?
Because if they haven’t, then that’s an interesting problem that past archives probably didn’t have to deal with. People can deep-link (and therefore keep online) hate via the IA.
That totally depends on what they have access to. I know they do have some government documents via their connections with federal government, but I’m not sure what they have from NARA specifically - but I’d guess that stuff that isn’t already digitized is not in there. And of course, NARA does have tons of stuff you need to go see in person, because of that. But it’s open to the public, with appointments and suchlike.
I think people don’t realize just how large an archive NARA actually is… and the crazy thing is that it probably pales next to things like the British archives, which have been around longer (I think) and cover a longer historical period.
As far as I know, anyone can go to NARA and check out anything that’s not classified. They are, after all, our records! Many publicly funded archives are open to the public - although you have to make an appointment, etc. Sometimes, you can even get into corporate archives, if you know the right person…
Historians and law enforcement. A few of the users will crop up in violent crimes at some point and then it will be good to see what they have posted before.