Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/25/have-some-fun-with-these-atten.html
Yeah! Who the hell needs the protection of N95 masks when one can simply wear masks with silly prints? Why are healthcare workers making such a big deal out of not having ugly boring masks?
Presumably these masks are superior, because fun and silliness repel the virus, given that COVID-19 is deadly serious.
If you can find an N95 mask by all means wear one.
Good luck with that.
No kkk hoods or Nazi Germany flag designs?
(Admittedly only read the headline)
(Both happened in Santee, California within like a week)
Thanks! However, the ad is telling me that, if I do manage to get an N95, I still shouldn’t wear it, not because it should be donated to healthcare workers who need it more than I do, but because it’s boring. I suspect this ad isn’t providing the most sound advice…
Is it just me, or does the red knit cap on the tanned model remind other of Jacques Cousteau?
Does anyone know if these masks have some sort of wire in the nose to help shape the mask to one’s face, and/or a filter pocket to add extra protection?
(Or is this a question to ask StackSocial instead?)
The photo of a person wearing one does not look well fitted - so I don’t think it has a wire. Same with filter insert pocket. I think Stack Social would be bragging up and down if they had either of those.
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