Very much this. It’s all well and good to say people should criticize his point instead of the way he made it, but that doesn’t work if people are struggling to figure out what the point was. That’s not really a good thing in an elected official.
But I guess we went from Bush’s malapropisms to Palin’s word salad to anything better than incoherent drivel being exceeding expectations or something.
They aren’t voting for him for any skills at all other than for voting Republican. Otherwise there’s no way he would have come so far since he basically has nothing to offer beyond this.
But, this isn’t someone engaging in casual conversation. This is a candidate for the US Senate making case to voters as to why they should vote for him at his own political rally. He’s talking about literally noting of substance or importance here, nothing that explains why people should vote for him, nothing with any real point, babbling almost incoherently, for several minutes straight…
… and in the end all it added up to was, what, a weak jab at his opponent and something about faith? I am still struggling to get the point of all of it.
I’m not a great public speaker so I can empathize with not having an electric personality on stage, but that’s not the criticism here.