He 'fumed.' Trump's unhinged anger drove decision to fire FBI's Comey, WaPo reports— citing 30+ sources

True. It was utterly IMPOSSIBLE to see this coming.


“We still don’t know why Trump is so increasingly desperate to avoid the topic of his ties to Russia.”

Really? Seems pretty certain that he:

  1. Laundered huge amounts of Russian mob money thru his hotels and building projects

  2. is the protagonist in an embarrassing sex tape made by KGB

  3. was involved with Putin in an effort to subvert the election

In a just world, Trump would be in prison for the rest of his life.


Almost right but it turns out it’s the flag that’s wrapped in fascism


So if we keep pushing him, he’ll lash out.

Hmmm, way to get rid of certain people in the WH? Maybe piss off the TGOP?

Well, the idea that he has never broken any laws is just absolutely beyond belief. It’s just impossible for me to believe he hasn’t sexually assaulted several women. I also think that while no one would ever prosecute, once you form a pattern of not paying contractors you get to the point that it is fraud - you obviously never intended to pay in the first place. But did he have any personal involvement in colluding international actors to mess with the most recent election? I think “yes” but I wouldn’t be blown away by “no”.


I think you mean, “It’s an older name, but it checks out.” :wink:


This. Good people can still do evil things.

Especially when they have genuinely evil advisors like Cheney.


Agreed. By some accounts, trolling Trump on his reliance on Bannon was effective. Surely people can push out a few surgical memes/phrases that will get Trump to lash out incoherently enough to distract him.

Maybe it would be more productive to put some more pressure on influential Republicans to acknowledge the danger Trump poses to the country. There must be some moderates who are on the fence. What is the bottleneck preventing an independent prosecutor? I have know idea how to move that forward, what is required? How can citizens help?

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Ok, looked into it.

ACLU is running a petition. I don’t know if these things help, but the ACLU has been extremely effective under trump. Here’s a link to the petition to get a special prosecutor. It has about 65,000 signatures and requires 70,000. Not sure what magic happens at 70,000, but that’s something.

Unfortunately, the person we need to pressure is Rod Rosenstein. He has a good reputation, but it’s been severely marred by his actions. Oddly enough, Vice has one of the better write ups I’ve seen.

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They imported that one from Germany. His real first name is Reinhold. Not at all a good old American name like Trump, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Roosevelt or Eisenhower.


You still don’t get it. Nothing is impossible to justify for Trump’s supporters. This has been shown time and time and time again as he abuses his power, insults his followers as well as opponents, demonstrates extreme incompetence at the simplest of tasks, and generally acts like an evil, disgusting, narcissistic sociopath in every way he possibly can. He shouldn’t have had a single supporter to begin with and he definitely shouldn’t have any now. Hopefully if something huge is revealed it will be enough to spur the idiot non-voters into action and that will be enough, but don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump’s supporters to turn on him. They’d still be screaming about the fake liberal media and other conspiracy theories as Trump was forced from office, and still be treating him like a shining martyr who was going to “make America great again” years after he’s gone. They’re immune to evidence and lack any sense of empathy, shame or decency. They’re in for life.


It was at about 14,000 signatures when I went there yesterday, and the bar was 40,000. When they hit 70,000, they’ll just raise the bar again. It’s about getting as many people to sign it as possible through incremental milestones that motivate sharing.


Hanglyman, you are absolutely right. Let me just add that I’m positive they believe they have no other options. Nobody else is going to take them back to a magic era when White Men were in charge of everything and everyone else knew their places. He’s all they’ve got, so they will never, ever turn on him.


I very honestly believe that Trump is becoming senile. It took a few years for it to become obvious in Reagan, but Donald is showing signs of dementia already. The confusion, the not sleeping, the waking up angry and lashing out every morning, the paranoia.


I think it’s going to come down to the old Edwin Edwards standard: caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.

hashtag makeamericagroßagain


TRUMP: I had to fire James Comey because he had lost the confidence of the rank and file of the FBI as well as the public in general.

ACTING FBI DIRECTOR McCABE: That’s total fucking bullshit.


Funny. You’d think that Trump’s innocence (re Russian matters) would be directly proportional to the chances of he not firing Comey and insisting that all investigations be encouraged, expedited, fully funded, and thoroughly made.


Next week:

TRUMP: I had to fire Andrew McCabe because he had lost the confidence of the rank and file of the FBI as well as the public in general.

ACTING FBI DIRECTOR VLAD NITUP: That’s absolutely correct.