I’m more of a series fan than a movie fan; I saw the show first, and while it could be uneven in quality (do not remind me of “Richard Redstone” or Ahriman), it could often be very good. Especially when Methos was around…
I’m not optimistic about the reboot. It’s been in development hell for quite a few years, which is rarely a good sign, and I can’t say I’m crazy about Cavill as either Connor or Duncan. (Somebody on Twitter suggested Tom Ellis, and I’ve gotta say, I’d love that.)
Hopefully I’m wrong, and it will turn out to be a worthy addition to the franchise. But I wouldn’t bet on it, at least not without knowing more about what they’re planning to do.
From what I’ve read the following piques my interest.
This casting, directed by the guy who did John wick, queen music will be used and they are aiming for a big multi film story.
Is Clancy Brown quite possibly the scariest actor ever? Not just in Highlander, but his pastor in ‘Carnivale’ is terrifying.
Just a shame they altered his voice out of all recognition in ‘Thor Ragnarök’ because he would have made a seat-soilingly scary Surtr without any jiggers-pokers by the sound people.
If they use True Scotsmen, I can think of many who might fit the bill.
Ewan McGregor, James McAvoy, David Tennant, Robert Carlyle, Billy Boyd…but what about a woman? A woman who learned to fight over time, with help from Cervantes, and doled out her Quickening punishment in a guerrilla fashion?