Here comes 'Star Wars: The Acolyte' season finale

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It’s been fun. I liked the actual story reveal last episode, things are not clear-cut, and that’s the point, right?

It also has the creepiest mask in Star Wars history.

The Stranger Lightsaber GIF by Star Wars


I’ve loved all the action scenes, but the story is a bit too fractured, I feel we need more time with Osha, Mae and Sol especially to explore their motives and drives, especially with stuff like Mae just declaring that findhing Osha is more important than anything else in episode 4. I get why, but I feel the story didn’t earn that beat, if I’m making any sense?


I’m behind my SW watching. Need to do this and Ahsoka.


It’s enjoyable, despite its shortcomings. So far it feels like it would have made a better movie than a TV series. The plotting could have been so much tighter, especially in the first few episodes.

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I really wanted to like SW Acolyte. The actor playing Sol is really giving it his all, and I do kind of care about his character. Everyone else I’m just meh.

The idea of the Jedi as being these arrogant pricks that lecture people about how noble they are is pretty interesting. And the main bad guy is pretty fun.

Otherwise, most of it was a slog for me.

i do like that no one, absolutely no one, bats an eye that witches can turn into mist. like that’s just assumed by everyone now i guess

it has been. and i like the characters.

i’m so curious who taught the baddie, and where his helmet came from.

and also, is the “power of two” referencing the sith, or the twins. and are their twinnedness supposed to reference luke and leia at all?.

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Well that was OK? Ended up pretty much where I expected after the last two weeks, but not exactly the way I figured it would. I’m not a fan of the Dave Filoni side of the Star Wars universe, and would rate this highter than Mandalorian or Ahsoka, nowhere near as good as Andor, of course. I think it was more impressive technically than Obi-Wan but I don’t think it had the same emotional resonance for me.

i’m guessing it’s the other robed baddie seen briefly in the last episode watching from the cave, apparently none other than Darth Plagueis.. I really enjoyed the series, and i liked how even when it seemed you knew what was going on, the last episode threw at least two things in the mix that really hints at something much, much bigger.

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He looked super familiar but I couldn’t remember where I’d seen him before, which was driving me crazy. So I finally looked it up:

Lee Jun-jae plays the main protagonist in The Squid Game and is a very well-known actor in South Korea.

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It was fine. There’s part of me that’s looking forward to the story continuing, but I’m becoming more hesitant the more I think about it. What I was invested in was the more personal story about the characters. That’s pretty much finished now. That means all that’s left is essentially more Star Wars lore. Which is fine because world building is cool, but I don’t really have much reason to care about the remaining characters and where they are at the end.


ah, i’ve gotten there now.

it’s interesting that anakin was told:

Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi- chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

and we know that sol revealed the power of the vergence to the baddie ( that it can create life ) and also that the baddie was thought to be dead, and mentioned he was very old ( that he was a jedi “a very long time ago” )

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