Here's how Jeopardy wizard Matt Amodio got so good at trivia

Originally published at: Here's how Jeopardy wizard Matt Amodio got so good at trivia | Boing Boing

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Well, we didn’t because wheels are mostly useless without roads. They’re also very inefficient without roads, and evolution selects for energy efficiency in most things.

In the one environment where wheels might be useful, they did evolve, in the form of flagellar motors. They have all the components of a wheel- axles, bearings, and a spinning ring independent of the chassis; but at a very small scale.

The story of the wheel is the story of the road. The two co-evolved together and are useless without each other. The reason a BMW can smoothly travel 140mph is because of the three thousand years of road engineering technology in the Autobahn under it.


Sure, he gets lost in Wikipedia, and he’s learning. I get lost in it, and I’m “distracted at work” and “should be paying attention to the road” and “am endangering the kids on the bus.”


Matt, while quite personable in the Q&A and often funny, has some of the most boring game behavior. on one level, it’s exciting because he knows fucking everything and usually shuts-down his competitors to sometimes triple-digits, but OTOH, he goes into his zone and his version of “the zone” is a fugue state .

He can easily hang with Brad, James, and Ken; in fact, I’d be confident in wagering in his favor.

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Here’s hoping that all these Wikipedia rabbit-hole Alices decide to donate a little something to keep the project going:


Of course he’s good at trivia- where do you think the trivia-makers source their questions anymore?

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