Here's the full video of covidiots in Huntington Beach refusing to wear a mask

At least in my corner of old Europe, I haven’t seen a single person wearing a national flag mask. But then again, nationalism has had a bad rep around these parts for a while now.


These guys usually use their surfer-dude personas to prank city council meetings and FoxNews viewers - and have a decent YouTube following, Good to see them putting their act to more charitable use.


If I was sitting on a bench lost in my thoughts, I would be annoyed if two people, who cannot be bothered to wear a mask properly, ignored my social distance.

Screen Shot 2020-07-17 at 08.39.01


Being outdoors and maintaining distance is kind of okay, if you aren’t in the middle of a wave. That’s what makes the USA different from Germany, where wearing a mask is downgraded to an indoors/on mass transit situation only thing. It is assumed that as long as the 1.5 to 2 metres distance from one another is maintained, a mask can be held in reserve.

That said, Huntington Beach is not free enough from the virus yet to be maskless yet. Too big a chance that any one of the people there is an unwitting spreader. Yes, even the ones handing out the masks.

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Yah, this is their schtick, and it’s quite funny. Before COVID they did a series of videos where they would go to city council meetings in conservative places and use up all the public speaking time asking inane questions so that the local racist busybodies wouldn’t get to make their requests. Sort of a denial of service attack on civics.


Not a loophole anymore. RCMP is doing a fine job of fining and deporting Americans who keep trying that stunt. CBC has been covering it. Americans’ license plates will betray them if their general ignorance and entitlement doesn’t.


EtA: This is not only my reaction to that quote, but me recognizing that quote as an Idi Amin quote. This gif is directly related to the quote IIRC, but I may be mistaken.

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Yes, I understand that many reports have come in and have been actively followed up. It can’t be that hard to put together a plausible story. I’ve seen USA plates not on a direct route to Alaska. Hope they had their reasons. Maybe they have been at their place at Whistler or Tofino since March. If so, they can stay.

Also, boats:

It’s still one to a person.


Yeah. I’m watching the people they approach, and they’re all outdoors and not near other people (assuming that those sitting in pairs are housemates). I don’t know what the rules are in Huntington Beach, but in Seattle that doesn’t require a mask–because it’s safe to do, as far as the science knows at this point. These guys just seem to be trolling people and hoping to get a rise out of them to put in their videos.

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The rules in Washington State at this point require masks only indoors or in crowds. If you’re outside and far apart, no mask required.

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People have expressed disbelief and dismay at how chaotic and idiotic this situation is today, because of politicizing a pandemic. They shouldn’t be. This is Cheetolini’s MO all the way. He has deliberately done everything he can to foster divisions in this country because he thinks that makes him more important and powerful. Keeping people at each others’ throats so they can’t combine against him has been how he has handled everything, his entire life.

The man wants this country to dissolve into chaos because he has a hard-on for dictators. He wants to be one. He wants violence and breakdown of law enforcement all over the country because that gives him the excuse to bring in the troops and enact his fantasy of having his own Tiananmen Square. Hell, the bastard has already started imitating Russian tactics. He’s sending ANONYMOUS federal agents into Portland. Arresting people with no warrants, no IDs, using unmarked vehicles that can’t be traced to the governments. He’s doing EXACTLY what Putin and the KGB do. Cheetolini wants chaos because that would give him an excuse to declare martial law and cancel the elections and then crow about how he was “strong” enough to “save” America from the crisis that he personally manufactured.

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