Here's the full video of covidiots in Huntington Beach refusing to wear a mask

Risk reduction may not be absolute prevention - but most people who live around mosquitoes have screens on their windows- even if they don’t stop every mosquito from getting in. Especially if you live somewhere with malaria, Zika or West Nile.


Here’s a bit of interesting trivia: a surgeon who doesn’t wash their hands or don a mask prior to surgery is only marginally more likely to suffer ill effects than a surgeon who does.

Yet I suspect that if you were about to undergo major surgery you would probably expect the surgeons to wash their hands and don masks before they opened you up.

Because masks aren’t just about protecting the mask-wearer.


Assuming there’s no air circulation.
Like I said, I wear a mask. I also understand it’s as much about helping make others feel safe as it is about actually protecting them, as I work from home and have been isolating since March, doing only fortnightly curb-side pick-ups of supplies. I’m not arguing the basic point, though. Wear a mask. Let’s stop this thing.
P.s. -

I really like this analogy. Trying to think how to make it work in the mask discussion, given that the masks protect others, screens protect your own household…

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From even the first 20 seconds of the video.

These asses. Are just harassing people that are sitting well apart from each other.
there’s no logical reason for someone sitting outside…and from the looks of the first bits of the video…at least 12 or MORE feet away from another person.
Yeah…there are some covidiots not wearing masks that are walking from place to place or riding a bike.
But these jerks are just being jerks to get intouch with their inner assholeishness. And drive youtube hits about them being jackass style jerks to people.


Politely offering free masks to people who aren’t wearing masks in a pandemic isn’t “harassment,” even if affecting a goofy surfer bro persona while doing so. It’s a generous fucking offer.


Douglas Adams got it right!

We need our own Golafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B.

The passengers are eagerly self-selecting.

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Where I live in Berkeley, the health department mandates masks outdoors when you’re within thirty feet of another person. I’ve been keeping that distance, or more, all along.

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Thought for sure this was Riley and Jonesy!


Really, really focused on yourself rather than the video and the people in the story?


Mod note: wearing a mask as a way to protect others, in case you are infected and do not know it is not up for debate here. Boing Boing will not spread disinformation, and if you intend to post about how mask working doesn’t really help or is unnecessary, please choose another forum.

As for the whataboutism in this topic: If you can’t see the hundreds of people per day dying and millions infected as a reason to be more aggressive in trying to get folks to wear masks, and would instead like to consider mask-wearing as a choice similar to passing out bibles, then you are clearly drawing the line at “mask wearing = idealism” instead of “mask wearing = science” and you, too, can post elsewhere.


Life is now imitating cheesy flash games, I guess.


You miss my point there. They aren’t doing to ‘help’ they’re doing it to drive youtube hits to monitize their channel. For “Haha” old people etc.
I’ve said nothing about science…Mask wearing is effective.
I’m commenting on these guys being jerks to capitalize on the crisis to drive hits to their channel. Even in the opening scene the people are ‘social distancing correctly’ and these guys are posting vids of those people who are perfectly fine sitting 6 to 12 feet apart in order to dive their hit count.

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At least it has golden trout. Just avoid the people…




Lots of people are mocking Trump to get hits to monetize their channel. I’m happy for them.

Those other dudes that did a Scientology expose? That was to get hits to monetize their channel. Happy for them too.

These dudes are exposing dumbasses in an entertaining way. They deserve to have their channel monetized. I don’t expect them to entertain me for free.

They even said they were sorry to the guy who was trying to social distance.


Oh man, you’re right. A disc jockey who questioned whether the Sandy Hook massacre was real and softly promoted pizzagate has cherry-picked some studies and misinterpreted their data.

I’m throwing my masks away now.



Did you mean to say Mask stupidity? Oh well all about the same. Still good idea if there are any countries that will have us

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I mean, that first woman, she was shooting with both barrels:
"Breathing your own carbon dioxide is not healthy."
"I know where I'm going when I die. Do you?"

So much to unpack. Is someone else’s carbon dioxide just fine? Why do you wish to hurry along the process, to skip ahead to death? These are, to a person, the same idiots who stressed over an actually fake conspiracy: Obama’s “FEMA deathcamps.” They were so concerned, then, about not dying.

I love the response to “But can’t we reopen the country faster if we all wear masks?”
"Nah, that's a talking point on the TV, bro."
Way to meta, dude! That response about “talking points” was a talking point from Fox/OANN!


One of them is even wearing his own mask below the nose to drive home the clueless part.